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To extend: Temporariness in a world of itineraries


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Recent urban analysis has emphasised the ‘big moves’ – planetary scales, extensive processes, major actors, mega-developments and substantial financial flows – important in accounting for a seemingly all-encompassing urbanisation. Still, significant volumes of the urban environment have historically been shaped by the collaborative efforts of residents and their associative institutions. These were collaborations largely operating without formal contracts or consensus, piecing together concrete places capable of holding different practices and sentiments and, as such, rarely became sedentary, even if conditions and power relations might have appeared fixed. These forms included and exceeded clear demarcations of entities (individual, household, social), with, for example, the operations of the digital media increasingly beyond the apprehension of human cognition, making it increasingly unclear ‘who is the what that does something to whom.’ As a result, the terms and economies of such collaborations amongst residents – their acts of autoconstruction – have become more complex and precarious, particularly as residents emphasise the importance of mobility, flexible commitments and individual aspirations. Hence, urban environments are elaborated in ways not captivated by plans, measures or even advanced computational analyses, and there are many ways that residents continue to operate in concert but without discernible mobilisation or organisation. Focusing on temporariness – not as a specific sector or set of practices but as a constellation of efforts to generate something of value – and drawing upon fieldwork across different sites in Indonesia, this lecture explores the new terrain of urban invention by poor, working and lower middle-class residents in the wake of its purported demise.
机译:最近的城市分析强调了“大动作” - 行星规模,广泛的进程,主要演员,大众发展和实质性的金融流动 - 在考虑看似全面的城市化方面很重要。仍然,城市环境的大量历史上,居民和联想机构的合作努力历史壮观。这些都是在没有正式合同或共识的情况下主要经营的合作,拼凑在一起能够举行不同的做法和情绪的具体场所,因此,即使条件和权力关系可能出现了固定的情况,也很少变得久坐。这些形式包括并超出了实体的明确划分(个人,家庭,社会),例如,数字媒体的运营越来越超越人类认知,使得越来越不清楚谁是对谁做某事的事情。“因此,居民之间这种合作的条款和经济 - 他们的自动组织行为 - 已经变得更加复杂和岌岌可危,特别是作为居民强调流动性,灵活承诺和个人愿望的重要性。因此,通过计划,措施甚至高级计算分析的方式阐述城市环境,并且有很多方法可以在音乐会中继续运作但没有可辨别的动员或组织。专注于临时性 - 不是一个特定的部门或一系列做法,而是作为一种努力的一组努力,在印度尼西亚的不同地点的不同地点划分的野外工作中,这讲座探讨了穷人,工作和更低的城市发明的新地形中产阶级居民在其声称的消亡之后。



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