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Analysis of illegal pedestrian crossing behavior on a major divided arterial road


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Pedestrians' illegal mid-block crossing increases the chances of a crash compared to crossing at marked or signalized crosswalks. Therefore, it is necessary to have an accurate understanding of this type of behavior to be able to prevent it. This paper presents the results from a comprehensive study undertaken to gain insight into illegal pedestrian crossing behavior on a high-speed six-lane divided arterial road that runs through a high-density urban area. Pedestrian behavior data were collected during the different stages of illegal crossing including before crossing, during crossing, and after crossing to determine the effect of hindrances, vehicles, and other pedestrians on the crossing behavior. The results showed that the illegal crossing behavior is mostly undertaken by male pedestrians. Over one-third of all pedestrians crossed in the presence of a vehicle on the road. Out of this group, almost one-third crossed using a rolling gap. The waiting time before crossing was affected by the group size, crossing point (curb or median), and the presence of other pedestrians on the opposite side of the road. Most of the pedestrians crossed the road during their first attempt and used the shortest path to cross. The crossing time was affected by gender, age, mobile phone use, type of clothing, crossing in a group, crossing point, path of crossing, and presence of a vehicle. The decision to cross was based on the presence of vehicles in the middle or far lanes for most pedestrians. Overall, the presence of a vehicle, as well as other pedestrians and hindrances, altered the illegal crossing behavior of pedestrians. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:与在有标志或有信号的人行横道处过马路相比,行人在中间路口的非法过马路增加了撞车的机会。因此,有必要对这种类型的行为有准确的了解,才能防止这种行为。本文介绍了一项全面研究的结果,该研究旨在深入了解贯穿高密度市区的六车道高速干道上的非法行人过路行为。在非法过境的不同阶段(包括过境前,过境期间和过境后)收集行人行为数据,以确定障碍物,车辆和其他行人对过境行为的影响。结果表明,非法过境行为主要由男性行人承担。超过三分之一的行人在道路上有车辆通过时过马路。在这一组中,几乎有三分之一使用了滚动间隙。交叉路口前的等待时间受车队人数,交叉路口(路缘或中位数)以及路对面其他行人的影响。大部分行人在第一次尝试时便过马路,并使用最短的路径过马路。穿越时间受性别,年龄,手机使用,衣服类型,成群穿越,穿越点,穿越路径和车辆的存在的影响。决定过马路的依据是大多数行人在中间或较远的车道上都有车辆。总体而言,车辆以及其他行人和障碍物的存在改变了行人的非法过境行为。 (C)2018 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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