首页> 中文期刊>科学技术与工程 >信号交叉口个体行人与群体行人过街闯红灯行为分析




行人过街闯红灯行为受道路、交通及行人自身等因素影响,为深入挖掘行人过街闯红灯行为规律,随机调查了1 157名过街行人,包含当时的道路、车流状况,如人行道长度、行人相位信号时长、行人穿越车流时的车头时距等.个体行人过街闯红灯行为与群体行人存在显著差异,利用显著性检验,判定个体行人闯红灯的显著影响因素为车流的车头时距与行人等待时间,群体行人闯红灯的显著影响因素为行人数量与行人群中最长行人等待时间.根据所得显著影响因素,建立了个体行人与群体行人闯灯率的Logit模型,结果显示:等待时间对个体行人与群体行人闯灯率的影响并无差异,当等待时间达到46 s时,个体行人与群体行人闯灯率曲线均达到拐点,此时行人违章率增加最快;当群体行人数量达到4人时,最容易激发行人群的集体闯灯行为.结论为交叉口信号配时及行人违法闯红灯的管理提供的了参考.%The red-light violation behavior can be caused by roads factors,traffic and pedestrians themselves.Aimed to confirm the laws of red-light violation behavior,1 157 pedestrian samples were observed randomly,including the length of crosswalk,pedestrian phase,time-headway of vehicles and etc.There is significantly difference between red-light violation behavior of individual pedestrian and pedestrian group.Using the significant test,time-headway of vehicles and waiting time are determined as the significant factors to violation behavior of individual pedestrian.For the group violation,the significant factors are the number and the longest waiting time of pedestrians.Logistic models were developed for red-light violation rate.The results reveal that when the waiting time reaches 45~46 seconds,the profile of Red-light violation rate reaches the inflection point.When pedestrians reach 4 people,red-light violation behavior of pedestrian group is most likely aroused.The results can provide references for a better management to signal phase and pedestrians at signalized intersection.



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