>This paper explores the produc'/> Neighbourhood.planning and the production of spatial knowledge
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Neighbourhood.planning and the production of spatial knowledge


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>This paper explores the production of what counts as authoritative knowledge in neighbourhood planning in England. The aim of the paper is to evidence the process through which the intelligibility of place was established in participatory planning in neighbourhoods and to chart the exclusions and exceptions through which spatial norms were produced. It evidences the moderating effect that logics of economic development had in a policy dedicated to the promotion of sustainable development, and, in contrast, it analyses the new expressions of place intelligibility successfully rendered in neighbourhood planning. The paper concludes that the ability of neighbourhood planners to privilege place over logics of development points to a more inclusive and egalitarian approach to the construction of planning knowledge.
机译: >本文探讨了英格兰邻里规划中什么是权威知识。本文的目的是证明在邻里参与式规划中建立场所可懂度的过程,并绘制出产生空间规范的例外情况和例外情况。它证明了经济发展逻辑在致力于促进可持续发展的政策中所起的调节作用,与此相反,它分析了在邻里规划中成功呈现的场所可懂度的新表达。本文的结论是,邻里计划者在发展逻辑上享有特权的能力指向了一种更具包容性和平均主义的方法来建构计划知识。



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