首页> 外文期刊>Third Text >Zones of Indistinction: Giorgio Agamben's 'Bare Life' and the Politics of Aesthetics

Zones of Indistinction: Giorgio Agamben's 'Bare Life' and the Politics of Aesthetics

机译:歧义区:乔治·阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben)的“光秃秃的生活”与美学政治

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The category of 'bare life' is used to refer to subjects who are denied both political and legal representation. For Giorgio Agamben, the subject who most immediately exemplifies the plight of 'bare life' is the stateless refugee. However, this can be extended, the author would suggest, to include political prisoners, the disappeared, victims of torture, and the dispossessed - all of whom are excluded, to different degrees, from the fraternity of the social sphere, appeal to the safety net of the nation-state and recourse to international law. The concept of 'bare life' also provides a significant way of reflecting on contemporary art practices that take migration, statelessness, diasporic communities, human rights, and zones of conflict as their subject matter; nowhere more so that when they represent the 'zones of indistinction' to which 'bare life' is consigned.
机译:“裸身生活”类别用于指被剥夺政治和法律代表的主体。对于乔治·阿甘本(Giorgio Agamben)而言,最能体现“光明生活”困境的主题是无国籍难民。但是,作者可以建议将这一范围扩大,以包括政治犯,失踪者,酷刑受害者和被剥夺者-所有这些人都在不同程度上被排除在社会领域的友爱之外,这对安全性具有吸引力。民族国家的网络并诉诸国际法。 “光秃的生活”概念还提供了一种重要的方式来反思当代艺术实践,这些实践将移民,无国籍,流离失所社区,人权和冲突地区作为主题;无处不在,因此当它们代表“裸露的生命”所赋予的“模糊区域”时。



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