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Joe Lieberman, Brutus or Moses?


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The question is short, and for the Sunday morning viewers of NBC's "Meet the Press" absolutely to the point: "Do you believe that Bill Clinton has the morality and integrity to be president of the United States?" Senator Joe Lieberman's answer is immediate: "I do. I've known Bill Clinton for a long time. I think he's a good person." Can this be the same Joe Lieberman who three days earlier, on September 3rd, stood up in the Senate and told his colleagues that the president "by his disgraceful behaviour... has compromised his moral authority"? The same Joe Lieberman who feared "that the president has undercut the efforts of millions of American parents who are naturally trying to instil in our children the value of honesty"? Given Mr Lieberman's 28-year friendship with Mr Clinton, some cynics will doubtless accuse the senator—all protestations to the contrary—of playing Brutus to Clinton's Caesar.
机译:问题很简短,对于NBC的“与媒体见面”的星期天早上,观众绝对可以说:“您相信克林顿有成为美国总统的道德和正直吗?”参议员乔·利伯曼(Joe Lieberman)的回答是立即的:“是的。我认识比尔·克林顿已有很长时间了。我认为他是个好人。”难道是三天前的9月3日,乔·利伯曼(Joe Lieberman)在参议院站起来,对他的同事说,总统“由于他的可耻行为……损害了他的道德权威”?同样是乔·利伯曼(Joe Lieberman)谁害怕“总统削弱了数以百万计的美国父母的努力,他们自然而然地试图向我们的孩子灌输诚实的价值”?鉴于利伯曼先生与克林顿先生已有28年的友谊,一些愤世嫉俗的人无疑会指责这位参议员-所有相反的抗议-都是在克林顿凯撒大帝面前扮演布鲁图斯。



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