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Comm Daily® Notebook


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The California Public Utilities Commission voted Thursday to approve SoftBank’s plan to buy majorityncontrol of Sprint Nextel — the last of the state regulatory agencies that needed to clear the transaction.nSoftBank had filed with agencies in 23 states and Washington, D.C., SoftBank and Sprint said in a jointnstatement (http://bit.ly/16R7ef4). SoftBank continues to work with the FCC, Department of Justice and the Treasury Department-led Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CFIUS) to complete those agencies’nreview of the deal, and believes it will be able to close the deal as expected on July 1, a SoftBanknspokesman said. SoftBank’s negotiations with the agencies include a plan to allow the U.S. government tonhave veto power over one of its appointees to Sprint Nextel’s board; that plan had already been publicly disclosednprior to a Wall Street Journal report, the SoftBank spokesman said. That appointee would serve asnthe “Security Director” in charge of ensuring implementation of the network security agreement SoftBank isnnegotiating with government agencies that are reviewing SoftBank’s $20.1 billion bid to buy 70 percentnownership of Sprint, according to a Sprint proxy filed with the SEC earlier this monthn(http://1.usa.gov/12qWkFv). The Wall Street Journal report also said CFIUS wants Sprint-controlled Clearwirento remove equipment manufactured by Chinese telecom equipment manufacturer Huawei from its network.nSoftBank and Sprint have previously told House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers, RMich.,nthey would exclude Huawei’s equipment from the Sprint network and would work to replace Huaweinequipment on Clearwire’s network (CD April 1 p5). "Those plans confirm the serious national security risksnof SoftBank acquiring Sprint and its wireless and wireline assets of national strategic importance," said DishnNetwork General Counsel Stanton Dodge in a statement Thursday. Dish remains “concerned, however, thatnthese reported steps do not adequately protect our national security interests, especially with respect tonSprint's critical fiber backbone network and Sprint's extensive contracts to provide important telecommunicationsnservices for government, law enforcement and defense customers,” he said (http://bit.ly/1acFq1B).nDish has long opposed the deal, and has made a $25.5 billion counterbid for Sprint. Dish has recentlynramped up its criticism of the SoftBank deal on national security grounds, launching a website Monday thatnoutlined what Dish claims are problematic SoftBank ties to Huawei, UTStarcom and Chinese e-commercencompany Alibaba (CD May 21 p9). SoftBank’s bid actually “enhances U.S. national security,” the Soft-nBank spokesman said. “Only SoftBank has committed to moving the existing equipment that the governmentnhas concerns about. Dish has not made any such commitments, so their arguments about national securitynare a little hypocritical.” Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member John McCain, R-Ariz.,nurged the FCC in a letter Thursday to consider the national and economic security implications of Soft-nBank's bid. "Sprint holds strategic assets, such as its wireless spectrum and fiber network, and has extensivenand ongoing relationships throughout the whole government," the letter said. "With all other relevant factsnand circumstances surrounding Softbank's proposed acquisition of Sprint, I hope the Commission duly considersnthese facts when reviewing this matter."
机译:加利福尼亚公用事业委员会周四投票通过,批准软银收购Sprint Nextel多数股权的计划。SprintNextel是最后需要清除交易的州监管机构。nSoftBank已向23个州和华盛顿特区的机构提起诉讼,SoftBank和Sprint表示。联合声明(http://bit.ly/16R7ef4)。软银将继续与FCC,司法部和财政部牵头的美国外国投资委员会(CFIUS)合作,以完成这些机构对交易的审查,并相信它将能够按预期完成交易。 7月1日,SoftBanknspokesman表示。软银与这些机构的谈判包括一项计划,允许美国政府对Sprint Nextel董事会的一名任命拥有否决权;软银发言人说,该计划已经在《华尔街日报》的报道之前公开披露。根据本月早些时候向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的Sprint委托书,该任命人将担任“安全总监”,负责确保网络安全协议的实施,软银正在与正在审查软银以201亿美元收购Sprint 70%股权的政府机构进行谈判。 (http://1.usa.gov/12qWkFv)。 《华尔街日报》的报道还称,CFIUS希望由Sprint控制的Clearwiren从其网络中删除中国电信设备制造商华为制造的设备。nSoftBank和Sprint此前曾向众议院情报委员会主席迈克·罗杰斯(RM Mike。网络,并将努力取代Clearwire网络上的Huaweinequipment(CD,4月1日,第5页)。 DishnNetwork总法律顾问Stanton Dodge在一份声明中说:“这些计划证实了软银收购Sprint及其具有国家战略重要性的无线和有线资产所带来的严重的国家安全风险。”他说:“尽管如此,Dish仍然感到关切的是,这些举报步骤并未充分保护我们的国家安全利益,尤其是在tonSprint的关键光纤骨干网和Sprint与政府,执法和国防客户提供重要电信服务的广泛合同方面。”(http: // nbitish长期反对这笔交易,并为Sprint出价255亿美元。 Dish最近以国家安全为由,加大了对软银交易的批评,在周一开通了一个网站,概述了Dish所说的软银与华为,UTStarcom和中国电子商务公司阿里巴巴之间存在问题的联系(CD,5月21日,第9页)。软银发言人说,软银的出价实际上“增强了美国的国家安全”。 “只有软银致力于移动政府担心的现有设备。 Dish并未做出任何此类承诺,因此他们关于国家安全的论点有些虚伪。”参议院军事委员会排名成员约翰·麦凯恩(R-Ariz。)周四在一封信中敦促FCC考虑软银收购该国对国家和经济安全的影响。这封信说:“ Sprint拥有其无线频谱和光纤网络等战略资产,并在整个政府中拥有广泛而持续的关系。” “考虑到软银拟议收购Sprint的所有其他相关事实和情况,我希望委员会在审查此事时适当考虑这些事实。”


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    《Telecom A.M.》 |2013年第101期|14-16|共3页
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