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The Mighty Niagra: One River, Two Frontiers


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Few rivers receive the adjective mighty. The Mississippi often freights the modifier along with barge traffic and seasonal devastation. Schoolchildren hearing the word attached to the Niagara almost certainly think of falls, then of hydroelectricity. As rivers go, the Niagara is not well known as a highway. But it is kinetic energy itself. John Jackson focuses first on the deep past of the river and its region, but always through the prism of modernity. His book probes not only the physical geography of the region divided by the river but also its cultural pasts. From precontact Native American eras onward, the Niagara has been a boundary, and Jackson painstakingly traces the struggle of Britain and France, and then the new United States, for mastery over the river, its region, and, above all, its vast hinterland. Illustrated with acutely rendered, detailed maps that advance its arguments, the book positions its reader in regional time and space and focuses on the technological change peculiar to the Niagara country.
机译:很少有河流得到形容词威武。密西西比州经常随驳船运输和季节性破坏一起运输改性剂。听到尼亚加拉语附上的单词的学童几乎肯定会想到瀑布,然后想到水力发电。随着河流的流逝,尼亚加拉并不以高速公路闻名。但这是动能本身。约翰·杰克逊(John Jackson)首先专注于河流及其地区的深渊,但始终通过现代性的棱镜。他的书不仅探讨了被河流分开的地区的自然地理,而且还探讨了其文化过去。从预接触的美洲原住民时代开始,尼亚加拉一直是一个边界,杰克逊刻苦地追寻英,法,新美国为争夺河流,其地区乃至最广阔的腹地而奋斗的斗争。本书以敏锐渲染的详细地图加以说明,以推进其论据,将读者定位在区域时空上,并专注于尼亚加拉国家特有的技术变革。



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