首页> 外文期刊>Social Studies of Science >Dermatoglyphics and the Persistence of 'Mongolism': Networks of Technology, Disease and Discipline

Dermatoglyphics and the Persistence of 'Mongolism': Networks of Technology, Disease and Discipline


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In 1961, a prestigious group of medical researchers called on their colleagues to stop using the language of 'Mongolism' to describe people with what we now call 'Down's syndrome' (or Trisomy 21). This call responded to new knowledge about the biological basis of Down's syndrome: rather than the product of racial degeneration, as had been hypothesized in the 19th century, the condition was the result of an extra chromosome, dubbed '21'. Yet, despite this plea, the terms 'Mongol' and 'Mongolism' continued in scientific use through the 1960s. Drawing on published and archival materials, I argue that the new knowledge about chromosomes did not rupture older patterns of scientific practice or interpretation, and with them, older terminological habits. The persistence of the language of Mongolism reflects the continuity of a network of older approaches to interpreting the condition within the community of human and medical geneticists, including an enduring diagnostic and interpretive technology, dermatoglyphics. Old networks were not supplanted; they were re-aligned.
机译:1961年,一个享有盛誉的医学研究人员小组呼吁其同事停止使用“蒙古主义”一词来形容我们现在称为“唐氏综合症”(或21三体综合症)的人。这个电话回应了关于唐氏综合症生物学基础的新知识:不是疾病的产物(如19世纪所假设的那样),而是由额外的染色体(称为“ 21”)导致的。然而,尽管有这样的呼吁,但直到1960年代,“蒙古”和“蒙古主义”这两个术语仍在科学上继续使用。我利用已出版的档案材料,认为关于染色体的新知识不会破坏科学实践或解释的旧模式,也不会破坏旧的术语习惯。蒙古语言的持久性反映了在人类和医学遗传学家社区中解释病情的较旧方法的网络的连续性,其中包括持久的诊断和解释技术,皮肤象形文字。旧的网络没有被取代;他们被重新调整。



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