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War as a medicine: the medical metaphor in contemporary Italian political language


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This article focuses on the sharp rise in the use of medical metaphors in contemporary Italian political language, trying to identify its origins and socio-political significance. After analysing several examples of their use in context, it shows how the medical metaphor is used to legitimize an idea of society that sees the politician-ruler as a doctor; that is, as the only one who is endowed with the proper knowledge and is thus allowed to “cure” society. The medical metaphor is shown to be linked to a technocratic conception of politics that has become largely hegemonic in Italy for the past 15 years and that has been the ideology by which the Italian economic ruling class could legitimize and impose a policy of “economic authoritarianism”. An implicit assumption of this view is the perception of whoever does not fit in a supposed normalcy as a deviant, obnoxious element that has to be expelled, hence the rapid and spreading growth of racism in present-day Italy.
机译:本文着眼于在当代意大利政治语言中使用医学隐喻的急剧增加,试图确定其起源和社会政治意义。在分析了几种在上下文中使用它们的示例之后,它显示了如何使用医学隐喻使将政治家统治者视为医生的社会观念合法化;也就是说,作为唯一拥有适当知识并因此而被“治愈”社会的人。医学上的隐喻被证明与政治上的技术官僚主义观念联系在一起,在过去的15年中,这种政治观念在意大利已成为主要的霸权主义,这已成为意大利经济统治阶级可以使其合法化并实施“经济专制主义”政策的意识形态。 。这种观点的一个隐含假设是,认为凡是不符合所谓常态的人都是必须被驱逐的,令人反感的,令人讨厌的因素,因此在当今的意大利,种族主义正在迅速蔓延。



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