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Power quality affects teacher wellbeing and student behavior in three Minnesota Schools


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BackgroundPoor power quality (dirty electricity) is ubiquitous especially in schools with fluorescent lights and computers. Previous studies have shown a relationship between power quality and student behavior/teacher health.rnObjectivesThe purpose of this study is to determine the ability of power line filters to reduce dirty electricity in a school environment and to document changes in health and behavior among teachers and students.rnMethodWe installed Graham Stetzer filters and dummy filters and measured power quality in three Minnesota Schools. Teachers completed a daily questionnaire regarding their health and the behavior of their students for an 8-week period. Teachers were unaware of which filters were installed at any one time (single blind study).rnResultsDirty electricity was reduced by more than 90% in the three schools and during this period teacher health improved as did student behavior in the middle/elementary schools. Headaches, general weakness, dry eyes/mouth, facial flushing, asthma, skin irritations, overall mood including depression and anxiety improved significantly among staff. Of the 44 teachers who participated 64% were better, 30% were worse, and 6% did not change. Behavior of high school students did not improve but elementary/middle school students were more active in class; more responsive, more focused; had fewer health complaints; and had a better overall learning experience.rnConclusionsDirty electricity in schools may be adversely affecting wellbeing of teachers and behavior of their students, especially younger students in middle and elementary school. Power line filters improve power quality and may also protect those who are sensitive to this energy. Work on electric and magnetic field metrics with and without Stetzer filters urgently needs to be carried out to determine just what characteristics of the dirty electricity may be interacting with the people.
机译:背景技术不良的电能质量(肮脏的电能)无处不在,尤其是在装有荧光灯和计算机的学校中。先前的研究表明电能质量与学生行为/教师健康之间存在关系.rn目的本研究的目的是确定电源线滤波器在学校环境中减少脏电的能力并记录教师和学生健康和行为的变化.rn方法我们在明尼苏达州的三所学校安装了Graham Stetzer滤波器和虚拟滤波器,并测量了电能质量。老师在8周内完成了一份有关他们的健康和学生行为的每日问卷。教师不知道任何时候都安装了哪些过滤器(单盲学习)。rn结果三所学校的脏电减少了90%以上,在此期间,老师的健康状况得到了改善,中小学学生的行为也得到了改善。员工的头痛,全身无力,眼干/嘴干,面部潮红,哮喘,皮肤过敏,包括抑郁和焦虑在内的整体情绪得到了明显改善。在参加培训的44名教师中,有64%的人有更好的表现,有30%的人表现较差,有6%的人没有变化。高中生的行为没有改善,但中小学生在课堂上更加活跃。反应更快,更专注;健康投诉减少;结论结论学校脏电可能会对教师的身心健康和学生的行为产生不利影响,尤其是中小学的年轻学生。电力线滤波器可以改善电能质量,也可以保护那些对此能量敏感的人。无论是否有Stetzer滤波器,都需要立即进行有关电场和磁场度量的工作,以确定脏电的哪些特征可能正在与人们互动。



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