首页> 外文期刊>SAM advanced management journal >Converging and Diverging Forces on Customer Satisfaction: Comparative Empirical Analysis of Hollywood Movies in the U.S. and China

Converging and Diverging Forces on Customer Satisfaction: Comparative Empirical Analysis of Hollywood Movies in the U.S. and China


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Now that China is the largest single movie market outside the U.S., "Hollywood" needs to understand what pleases Chinese audiences. Working with a new universal conceptual framework involving marketing manipulation, social groups, and individual experience and values, the authors posit that "satisfaction " reflects standardized marketing strategies (convergence) and divergence reflects social, cultural, and individual differences among global audiences. Empirical tests largely support these hypotheses, showing that standardized marketing can achieve convergence of satisfaction globally; that individual differences drive divergence; but that social influences, such as Face-book, can mediate between these so they can co-exist-at least in China. These and related findings may apply to other, non-Hollywood, goods or services.



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