首页> 外文期刊>SAM advanced management journal >Clarifying the Association between Personality and Interpersonal Citizenship Behavior

Clarifying the Association between Personality and Interpersonal Citizenship Behavior


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Interpersonal organizational citizenship behavior (OCBI) is a key element of organizational success. OCBI occurs when an employee goes above and beyond his or her formal job requirements to assist co-workers by engaging in behaviors such as helping those who are falling behind in their work and sharing work-relevant information (Bowler and Brass, 2006; Williams and Anderson, 1991). OCBI facilitates better performance, productivity, and more favorable work climates (Erhart, Bliese, and Thomas, 2006; Van Dyne and Lepine, 1998; Williams and Anderson, 1991). Further, OCBI is particularly important in today's work environments where teamwork is an inevitable part of organizational life.
机译:人际关系组织公民行为(OCBI)是组织成功的关键要素。 OCBI发生在员工超越其正式工作要求而通过参与行为(例如帮助那些落后于工作的人并分享与工作相关的信息)来帮助同事时(Bowler和Brass,2006; Williams和安德森(1991)。 OCBI促进了更好的性能,生产率和更有利的工作环境(Erhart,Bliese和Thomas,2006年; Van Dyne和Lepine,1998年; Williams和Anderson,1991年)。此外,在团队合作是组织生活中不可避免的一部分的当今工作环境中,OCBI尤其重要。



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