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A triple helix model of medical innovation: Supply, demand, and technological capabilities in terms of Medical Subject Headings


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We develop a model of innovation that enables us to trace the interplay among three key dimensions of the innovation process: (ⅰ) demand of and (ⅱ) supply for innovation, and (ⅲ) technological capabilities available to generate innovation in the forms of products, processes, and services. Building on triple helix research, we use entropy statistics to elaborate an indicator of mutual information among these dimensions that can provide indication of reduction of uncertainty. To do so, we focus on the medical context, where uncertainty poses significant challenges to the governance of innovation. We use the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) of MEDLINE/PubMed to identify publications within the categories "Diseases" (C), "Drugs and Chemicals" (D), "Analytic, Diagnostic, and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment" (E) and use these as knowledge representations of demand, supply, and technological capabilities, respectively. Three case-studies of medical research areas are used as representative 'entry perspectives' of the medical innovation process. These are: (ⅰ) human papilloma virus, (ⅱ) RNA interference, and (ⅲ) magnetic resonance imaging. We find statistically significant periods of synergy among demand, supply, and technological capabilities (C-D-E) that point to three-dimensional interactions as a fundamental perspective for the understanding and governance of the uncertainty associated with medical innovation. Among the pairwise configurations in these contexts, the demand-technological capabilities (C-E) provided the strongest link, followed by the supply-demand (D-C) and the supply-technological capabilities (D-E) channels.
机译:我们开发了一种创新模型,使我们能够追踪创新过程的三个关键维度之间的相互影响:(ⅰ)创新的需求和(ⅱ)创新的供给,以及(ⅲ)可用于以产品形式进行创新的技术能力,流程和服务。在三重螺旋研究的基础上,我们使用熵统计来详细说明这些维度之间的相互信息指标,这些指标可以提供不确定性降低的指示。为此,我们将重点放在医疗环境中,在这种环境中,不确定性对创新的治理构成了重大挑战。我们使用MEDLINE / PubMed的医学主题词(MeSH)在“疾病”(C),“药物和化学药品”(D),“分析,诊断和治疗技术与设备”(E)和将它们分别用作需求,供应和技术能力的知识表示。医学研究领域的三个案例研究被用作医学创新过程的代表性“进入观点”。它们是:(ⅰ)人乳头瘤病毒,(ⅱ)RNA干扰和(ⅲ)磁共振成像。我们发现在需求,供应和技术能力(C-D-E)之间具有统计学意义的协同增效时期,这些时期指出了三维相互作用,是理解和治理与医疗创新相关的不确定性的基本观点。在这些上下文中的成对配置中,需求技术能力(C-E)提供了最强的链接,其次是供求(D-C)和供应技术能力(D-E)通道。



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