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An Atlas of the German Empire/Atlas des Deutschen Reichs


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An Atlas of the German Empire is a free online version of the 1883 edition of the Atlas des Deutschen Reichs by Ludwig Ravenstein. The maps used on this website came from the collection of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and were digitized by the University's Digital Content Group (now named the Digital Collections Center). According to the website, this map was chosen for digitization because of its usefulness for genealogists. Genealogists can use this map to find towns, villages, and churches in the German Empire from the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century. The maps in this atlas also cover the bordering regions of the current nations of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Hungary, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Russian Federation, Slovakia, and Switzerland. This website includes a table providing statistical information on religious groups in the German Empire. The information contained in this table is in German, an English translation is not provided. An explanatory key of the symbols used in the maps is located in the South-east quarter of map 9. Place names are located by downloading the index and utilizing the appropriate grid coordinates.
机译:《德意志帝国地图集》是路德维格·拉文斯坦(Ludwig Ravenstein)1883年版的《德国帝国地图集》的免费在线版本。该网站上使用的地图来自威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校的藏品,并由该大学的数字内容小组(现称为数字收藏中心)进行了数字化处理。据该网站称,由于该地图对家谱学家有用,因此被选择用于数字化。系谱学家可以使用此地图在19世纪末至20世纪初发现德意志帝国的城镇,村庄和教堂。本地图集中的地图还覆盖了奥地利,比利时,捷克共和国,丹麦,法国,匈牙利,立陶宛,卢森堡,荷兰,波兰,俄罗斯联邦,斯洛伐克和瑞士等当前国家的毗邻地区。该网站包含一个表格,提供有关德意志帝国宗教团体的统计信息。该表中包含的信息为德语,不提供英语翻译。地图中使用的符号的解释性键位于地图9的东南四分之一处。可以通过下载索引并利用适当的网格坐标来定位地名。



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