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Multiclass multiserver queueing system in the Halfin-Whitt heavy traffic regime:asymptotics of the stationary distribution


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We consider a heterogeneous queueing system consisting of one large pool of O(r) identical servers, where r → ∞ is the scaling parameter. The arriving customers belong to one of several classes which determines the service times in the distributional sense. The system is heavily loaded in the Halfin-Whitt sense, namely the nominal utilization is 1 — a/√r where a > 0 is the spare capacity parameter. Our goal is to obtain bounds on the steady state performance metrics such as the number of customers waiting in the queue Q~r(∞). While there is a rich literature on deriving process level (transient) scaling limits for such systems, the results for steady state are primarily limited to the single class case. This paper is the first one to address the case of heterogeneity in the steady state regime. Moreover, our results hold for any service policy which does not admit server idling when there are customers waiting in the queue. We assume that the interarrival and service times have exponential distribution, and that customers of each class may abandon while waiting in the queue at a certain rate (which may be zero). We obtain upper bounds of the form O(√r) on both Q~r(∞) and the number of idle servers. The bounds are uniform w.r.t. parameter r and the service policy. In particular, we show that lim supr Eexp(θ_r~2 Qr(∞)) < oo. Therefore, the sequence r~(-1/2)Q~r(∞) is tight and has a uniform exponential tail bound. We further consider the system with strictly positive abandonment rates, and show that in this case every weak limit Q(∞) of r~(-1/2)Q~r(∞) has a sub-Gaussian tail. Namely, E[exp((Q(∞))~2)] < oo, for some θ>0.
机译:我们考虑一个异构的排队系统,该系统由一个由O(r)个相同服务器组成的大型池组成,其中r→∞是缩放参数。到达的客户属于在分配意义上确定服务时间的几种类别之一。该系统在Halfin-Whitt意义上是重负载,即标称利用率为1 — a /√r,其中a> 0是备用容量参数。我们的目标是获得稳态性能指标的界限,例如队列中等待的客户数量Q〜r(∞)。尽管有很多关于派生此类系统的过程级别(瞬态)缩放限制的文献,但稳态结果主要限于单类情况。本文是第一个解决稳态机制中的异质性问题的人。此外,我们的结果适用于任何服务策略,当有客户在队列中等待时,该服务策略不允许服务器空闲。我们假设到达时间和服务时间具有指数分布,并且假设每个类别的客户在队列中以特定速率(可能为零)等待时可能会放弃。我们在Q〜r(∞)和空闲服务器的数量上都获得O(√r)形式的上限。边界是统一的参数r和服务策略。特别地,我们表明lim supr Eexp(θ_r〜2 Qr(∞)) 0,E [exp((Q(∞))〜2)]



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