首页> 外文期刊>Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: an international journal >Organizational anonymity and the negotiation of research access

Organizational anonymity and the negotiation of research access


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Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to examine the part of the organizational research process, access negotiation, through reflexive analysis of the participation in a recent data collection process. The paper aims is to question two emergent norms in this area: first, that organizational anonymity be granted in exchange for organizational access; and second, that access negotiation be seen as a bounded activity at the start of data collection. Design/methodology/approach - Through the reflexive account and with reference to published accounts of practice in other research projects, the authors explore the reasons why researchers offer organizational anonymity, and note the unintended consequences of this practice. The authors locate the discussion in relation to increased expectations on social researchers to contribute to public debate about managing and organizing. Findings - The author suggests that the negotiation of access without promising anonymity may generate more situated accounts of organization, and greater participation in political or ethical debates surrounding work, organization, and management. By facilitating a clearer line of impact stemming from qualitative research, this would also aid researchers in demonstrating the value of their work in informing public debate. Social implications - The authors conclude by reiterating the potential for organizational researchers to achieve greater social and ethical impact, especially if the authors frame access negotiation as a continuous process rather simply as than a moment at the start of a project. Originality/value - The authors argue that the paper raises a key, but neglected, issue in conducting empirical organizational research, that has political and ethical implications as well as a methodological significance. Through the analysis, the authors encourage themselves and the research community to be clearer about the potential value of scholarship in debates happening outside the academy, and to see access negotiation as more complex than simply a transaction in which organizational anonymity is promised in return for data.
机译:目的-本文的目的是通过对最近数据收集过程的参与进行反思性分析,从而研究组织研究过程的一部分,即访问协商。本文的目的是对这方面的两个新兴规范提出质疑:首先,以组织匿名为交换条件来获得组织访问权;其次,在数据收集开始时,访问协商被视为一项有限的活动。设计/方法/方法-通过反思性说明并参考其他研究项目中已发表的实践报告,作者探究了研究人员提供组织匿名的原因,并指出了这种实践的意想不到的后果。作者将讨论与对社会研究人员的期望提高有关,以促进有关管理和组织的公开辩论。调查结果-作者建议在没有承诺匿名的情况下进行访问协商可能会产生组织的更多情况,并更多地参与围绕工作,组织和管理的政治或道德辩论。通过促进定性研究产生更清晰的影响力,这也将有助于研究人员展示其工作在告知公众辩论中的价值。社会影响-作者的结论是重申组织研究人员实现更大的社会和道德影响的潜力,特别是如果作者将访问协商视为一个连续的过程,而不是将其视为项目开始时的一个简单过程。原创性/价值-作者认为,论文提出了进行经验性组织研究的关键但被忽略的问题,该问题具有政治和伦理意义以及方法论意义。通过分析,作者鼓励自己和研究界更加清楚奖学金在学术界之外发生的辩论中的潜在价值,并认为访问协商比简单的承诺匿名以交换数据的交易更为复杂。 。



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