首页> 外文期刊>日本建築学会環境系論文集 >学校建築におけるコミユニテイスペースの環境条件と利用実態に関する研究:中高一貫校における中庭及び隣接屋内空間の年間利用実態調査



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IN AN OUTDOOR AND AN INDOOR COMMUNITY SPACES OF A SCHOOL BUILDING The annual actual state of the thermal condition and the use in the courtyard and the neighboring indoor space of the junior and senior high school The community space is one of the most important factors for campus planning. The environment and its influence on the state of mind and the behavior of the students must be different between in the indoor community space and in that of outdoor. But, few studies are found about them from the viewpoint of thermal condition and usage of those spaces. The purpose of this study is to figure out the thermal and architectural influences of the indoor and outdoor community spaces of the junior and senior high school buildings on the state of mind and the behavior of the students through the year. The result shows that the rate of discomfort in the outdoor is stable less than 10 percent through the year, although the thermal environment varied wider than that of indoor. It is also found that students' evaluation shows that students feel natural factors more in outdoor, and furniture and vending machine promote the stay there.%中高一貫校において、コミュニティスペースとして計画された中庭および隣接屋內空間における調査結果から、環境条件、利用実態、利用者評価を把握した。また、年間を通じて、中庭および隣接屋内空間の利用を左右する要因について考察した。
机译:校舍的室外和室内社区空间初中和高中院及其附近室内空间的热状况的年度实际状态以及使用情况社区空间是校园的最重要因素之一规划。室内环境和室外社区的环境及其对学生的心理状态和行为的影响必须有所不同。但是,从热条件和这些空间的使用的角度来看,关于它们的研究很少。这项研究的目的是弄清初中和高中建筑物的室内和室外社区空间的热学和建筑学对全年学生的心境和行为的影响。结果表明,尽管热环境的变化范围比室内大,但全年室外的不舒适率稳定在10%以下。还发现,学生的评估表明,学生在室外更能感受到自然因素,而家具和自动售货机可促进他们在该处的住宿。%中高一贯校において, ,环境条件,利用実态,利用者评価を把握した。



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