首页> 外文期刊>Physical review >Carrier-induced refractive index change and optical absorption in wurtzite InN and GaN: Full- band approach

Carrier-induced refractive index change and optical absorption in wurtzite InN and GaN: Full- band approach


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Based on the full band electronic structure calculations, first we consider the effect of n-type doping on the optical absorption and the refractive index in wurtzite InN and GaN. We identify quite different dielectric response in either case; while InN shows a significant shift in the absorption edge due to n-type doping, this is masked for GaN due to efficient cancellation of the Burstein-Moss effect by the band gap renormalization. Moreover, for high doping levels the intraband absorption becomes significant in InN. For energies below 1 eV, the corresponding shifts in the real parts of the dielectric function for InN and GaN are in opposite directions. Furthermore, we observe that the free-carrier plasma contribution to refractive index change becomes more important than both band filling and the band gap renormalization for electron densities above 10~(19) cm~(-3) in GaN, and 10~(20) cm~(-3) in InN. As a result of the two different characteristics mentioned above, the overall change in the refractive index due to n-type doping is much higher in InN compared to GaN, which in the former exceeds 4% for a doping of 10~(19) cm~(-3) at 1.55 μm wavelength. Finally, we consider intrinsic InN under strong photoexcitation which introduces equal density of electron and holes thermalized to their respective band edges. The change in the refractive index at 1.55 μm is observed to be similar to the n-doped case up to a carrier density of 10~(20) cm~(-3). However, in the photoexcited case this is now accompanied by a strong absorption in this wavelength region due to Γ_5~v→Γ_6~v intravalence band transition. Our findings suggest that the alloy composition of In_xGa_(1-x)N can be optimized in the indium-rich region so as to benefit from high carrier-induced refractive index change while operating in the transparency region to minimize the losses. These can have direct implications for InN-containing optical phase modulators and lasers.
机译:基于全带电子结构计算,首先我们考虑n型掺杂对纤锌矿InN和GaN中光吸收和折射率的影响。在这两种情况下,我们都确定了截然不同的介电响应。尽管InN由于n型掺杂而导致吸收边发生了显着变化,但由于带隙重归一化有效抵消了Burstein-Moss效应,GaN掩盖了该变化。此外,对于高掺杂水平,带内吸收在InN中变得很重要。对于低于1 eV的能量,InN和GaN介电函数实部的相应偏移是相反的方向。此外,我们观察到,对于GaN中大于10〜(19)cm〜(-3)和大于10〜(20)的电子密度,自由载流子等离子体对折射率变化的贡献比带填充和带隙重归一化更为重要。 )cm〜(-3)英寸InN由于上述两种不同的特性,与GaN相比,InN中由于n型掺杂而导致的折射率的整体变化要高得多,而对于GaN,掺杂10〜(19)cm时,后者的折射率变化超过4%。 〜(-3)在1.55μm波长处。最后,我们考虑强光激发下的本征InN,它会引入相等密度的电子和空穴,这些电子和空穴被热化到它们各自的能带边缘。观察到在载流子密度为10〜(20)cm〜(-3)时,折射率在1.55μm处的变化与n掺杂的情况相似。但是,在光激发的情况下,由于Γ_5〜v→Γ_6〜v价带内跃迁,在波长范围内会出现强吸收。我们的发现表明,可以在富铟区域优化In_xGa_(1-x)N的合金成分,以便在透明区域中操作时最大程度地受益于载流子诱导的折射率变化,以最大程度地减少损耗。这些对含InN的光学相位调制器和激光器可能有直接的影响。



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