首页> 外文期刊>Petroleum frontiers >Part I: Onshore Wilcox

Part I: Onshore Wilcox


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The Wilcox Group is mostly Paleocene but also contains Eocene strata in its upper portion (Xue and Galloway, 1993). It transitionally overlies the Midway Shale and is overlain by the Eocene Claiborne Group and the Queen City and Yegua formations. The Wilcox Group is a thick sequence of predominantly clastic rocks that was deposited during the first of a series of pulses of Cenozoic sedimentation into the Gulf of Mexico Basin. Lower Wilcox strata prograded over distal, fine-grained marine clastics of the underlying Midway Group. Thick, progradational shoreline and shelf-margin sequences characterize the Lower and Upper Wilcox intervals, while the Middle Wilcox is a predominantly transgressive to slightly aggradational succession. The uppermost Wilcox is capped sub-regionally by thick, amalgamated, predominantly fluvial strata of the Carrizo Sandstone. It is separated from the overlying Reklaw Formation ofrnthe Claiborne Group by a regionally extensive marine flooding surface (Xue, 1997).
机译:威尔科克斯群主要是古新世,但上部也含有始新世地层(Xue and Galloway,1993)。它过渡地覆盖了中途页岩,并被始新世克莱伯恩集团,皇后市和耶瓜地层所覆盖。威尔科克斯群是一系列厚厚的主要为碎屑岩,是在新生代沉积到墨西哥湾盆地的一系列脉冲的第一个脉冲中沉积的。下威尔科克斯地层在下层中途组的远端,细粒海相碎屑上发育。较粗的,渐进的海岸线和陆架边缘序列是下部威尔科克斯和上部威尔科克斯间隔的特征,而中部威尔科克斯主要是侵入性的至略微的渐进性演替。最上端的维尔科克斯(Wilcox)次区域被Carrizo砂岩的厚的,合并的,主要为河流的地层所覆盖。它与克莱恩伯恩集团上覆的雷克劳组形成了区域性广泛的海洋洪水表面(Xue,1997)。



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