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Testing the retranslation hypothesis for audiovisual translation: the films of Volker Schlondorff subtitled into English

机译:测试视听翻译的重新翻译假设:Volker Schlondorff的副标题为英语的电影

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This article uses the Descriptive Translation Studies framework to examine the English subtitles for two German films directed by Volker Schlondorff: Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum [The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum], directed in 1975, and Die Blechtrommel [The Tin Drum], from 1979, with a view to testing the earliest formulation of the retranslation hypothesis. Using the concept of translational norms as one of its main heuristic tools, this research examines an audiovisual corpus consisting of five different sets of DVD subtitles from the two films: three from Die Blechtrommel, dating from 1995, 2002 and 2010, and two from Katharina Blum, dated 2003 and 2009, thus spanning the era from the advent of digitisation and the beginning of DVD to the rise of TV and film streaming services. The data is analysed to investigate the orientation, in terms of source culture or target culture, of the translation strategies that have been activated by the subtitlers when encountering culture-specific references, and then to pinpoint any diachronic trends that come to the fore. The analysis concludes that the retranslation hypothesis does not apply in this corpus; possible reasons for this finding are discussed.
机译:本文使用描述性翻译研究框架来检查由Volker Schlondorff执导的两部德国电影的英语字幕:1975年执导的Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum [失去了Katharina Blum的荣誉]和Die Blechtrommel [锡鼓],从1979年开始,目的是检验重新翻译假设的最早提法。本研究使用翻译规范的概念作为主要启发式工具,研究了由两部电影的五套不同DVD字幕组成的视听语料库:三套来自Die Blechtrommel,分别于1995年,2002年和2010年发行,另外两套来自Katharina Blum的日期分别为2003年和2009年,从数字化的出现到DVD的出现,一直到电视和电影流媒体服务兴起的时代。分析数据以调查在遇到文化特定参考文献时由字幕员激活的翻译策略在源文化或目标文化方面的定位,然后指出出现的任何历时趋势。分析得出的结论是,重新翻译假设不适用于该语料库。讨论了此发现的可能原因。



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