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LoCo: boosting for indoor location classification combining Wi-Fi and BLE


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In recent years, there has been an explosion of services that leverage location to provide users novel and engaging experiences. However, many applications fail to realize their full potential because of limitations in current location technologies. Current frameworks work well outdoors but fare poorly indoors. In this paper, we present LoCo, a new framework that can provide highly accurate room-level indoor location. LoCo does not require users to carry specialized location hardware-it uses radios that are present in most contemporary devices and, combined with a boosting classification technique, provides a significant runtime performance improvement. We provide experiments that show the combined radio technique can achieve accuracy that improves on current state-of-the-art Wi-Fi-only techniques. LoCo is designed to be easily deployed within an environment and readily leveraged by application developers. We believe LoCo's high accuracy and accessibility can drive a new wave of location-driven applications and services.
机译:近年来,利用位置为用户提供新颖而引人入胜的体验的服务激增。但是,由于当前定位技术的局限性,许多应用无法充分发挥其潜力。当前的框架在户外运作良好,但在室内却表现不佳。在本文中,我们介绍了LoCo,这是一个可以提供高度准确的房间级室内位置的新框架。 LoCo不需要用户携带专用的定位硬件-它使用大多数现代设备中都存在的无线电,并且与增强的分类技术结合使用,可以显着提高运行时性能。我们提供的实验表明,组合的无线电技术可以实现比当前最新的仅Wi-Fi技术更高的精度。 LoCo旨在易于部署在环境中,并易于被应用程序开发人员利用。我们相信LoCo的高准确性和可访问性可以推动位置驱动的应用程序和服务的新潮流。



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