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Analysis of genetic variability within Argulus japonicus from representatives of Africa, Middle East, and Asia revealed by sequences of three mitochondrial DNA genes


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This study investigated the genetic variability within fish louse Argulus japonicus (Crustacea: Branchiura) from Africa, Middle East, and Asia by polymerase chain reaction in three mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) regions, namely, cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (cox1) and NADH dehydrogenase subunits 1 and 4 (nad1 and nad4). Six different sequences from a portion of the cox1 gene (pcox1) and a portion of the nad1 and nad4 genes (pnad1 and pnad4) for ten adult specimens from infected fish in China, Egypt, and Syria were amplified separately from individual and the amplicons were subjected to direct sequencing. A + T percentages were 68.8–69% for pcox1, 77.1–77.6% for pnad1, and 60.4–60.9% for pnad4. Among all the collected parasites, A. japonicus sequence variations were 0.0–1.9% for cox1, 0.0–2.3% for nad1, and 0.0–0.8% for nad4. In rivers, sequence variations among all individuals were 0.4–0.8% for cox1, 1.0–2.3% for nad1, and 0.4–0.8% for nad4, while sequence variations among all the collected parasites in fish farms were 0.6–1.9% for cox1, 0.0–1.7% for nad1, and 0.2–0.6% for nad4. The nad1 was the most variable gene among selected markers, while nad4 was a more conserved gene than cox1. All isolates of A. japonicus were sister to Argulus americanus in phylogenetic tree and they grouped together in one sub-clade, while isolates from China and Egypt fish farms were closely clustered together. However, moderate genetic drift and slight mutation could be observed among A. japonicus individuals. These findings demonstrated the convenience and attributes of the three selected mtDNA sequences for population genetic studies of A. japonicus where nad1 is a new and reliable marker to detect the sequence variation among A. japonicus individuals.
机译:这项研究通过聚合酶链反应在三个线粒体DNA(mtDNA)区域,即细胞色素C氧化酶亚基1(cox1)和NADH脱氢酶中研究了来自非洲,中东和亚洲的鱼虱(亚洲,亚洲)的遗传变异性。亚单元1和4(nad1和nad4)。来自中国,埃及和叙利亚的十只成年标本的cox1基因(pcox1)的一部分以及nad1和nad4基因的一部分(pnad1和pnad4)的六个不同序列分别从个体中扩增出,扩增子分别为进行直接测序。 pcox1的A + T百分比为68.8–69%,pnad1的为77.1–77.6%,pnad4的为60.4–60.9%。在所有收集到的寄生虫中,日本血吸虫的cox1序列变异为0.0–1.9%,nad1为0.0–2.3%,nad4为0.0–0.8%。在河流中,cox1的所有个体之间的序列变异为nad1的0.4–0.8%,nad1的1.0–2.3%和nad4的0.4–0.8%,而养鱼场中所有收集的寄生虫的cox1的序列变异为0.6–1.9%, nad1为0.0–1.7%,nad4为0.2–0.6%。 nad1是所选标记中变化最大的基因,而nad4是比cox1更保守的基因。日本血吸虫的所有分离株在系统发育树中都是美洲大sister的姊妹,它们聚在一起形成一个子进化枝,而来自中国和埃及养鱼场的分离株则紧密地聚集在一起。然而,在日本刺参中可以观察到中等程度的遗传漂移和轻微的突变。这些发现证明了三种选择的mtDNA序列的便利性和属性,以进行日本根瘤菌的群体遗传研究,其中nad1是检测日本根瘤菌个体之间序列变异的一种新的可靠标记。



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