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Developing SPMD applications with load balancing


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The central contribution of this work is SAMBA (Single Application, Multiple Load Balancing), a framework for the development of parallel SPMD (single program, multiple data) applications with load balancing. This framework models the structure and the characteristics common to different SPMD applications and supports their development. SAMBA also contains a library of load balancing algorithms. This environment allows the developer to focus on the specific problem at hand. Special emphasis is given to the identification of appropriate load balancing strategies for each application. Three different case studies were used to validate the functionality of the framework: matrix multiplication, numerical integration, and a genetic algorithm. These applications illustrate its ease of use and the relevance of load balancing. Their choice was oriented by the different load imbalance factors they present and by their different task creation mechanisms. The computational experiments reported for these case studies made possible the validation of SAMBA and the comparison, without additional reprogramming costs, of different load balancing strategies for each of them. The numerical results and the elapsed times measurements show the importance of using an appropriate load balancing algorithm and the associated reductions that can be achieved in the elapsed times. They also illustrate that the most suitable load balancing strategy may vary with the type of application and with the number of available processors. Besides the support to the development of SPMD applications, the facilities offered by SAMBA in terms of load balancing play also an important role in terms of the development of efficient parallel implementations.
机译:这项工作的主要贡献是SAMBA(单个应用程序,多个负载平衡),这是一个用于开发带有负载平衡的并行SPMD(单个程序,多个数据)应用程序的框架。该框架对不同SPMD应用程序共有的结构和特征进行建模,并支持其开发。 SAMBA还包含一个负载平衡算法库。这种环境使开发人员可以专注于手头的特定问题。特别强调为每种应用程序确定适当的负载平衡策略。使用了三个不同的案例研究来验证框架的功能:矩阵乘法,数值积分和遗传算法。这些应用说明了它的易用性和负载平衡的相关性。他们的选择取决于他们呈现的不同的负载失衡因素以及他们不同的任务创建机制。为这些案例研究报告的计算实验使SAMBA的验证成为可能,并且在不增加额外编程成本的情况下,对每种负载均衡策略进行了比较。数值结果和经过时间的测量结果表明使用适当的负载平衡算法的重要性以及在经过时间中可以实现的相关减少效果。他们还说明,最合适的负载平衡策略可能会随应用程序类型和可用处理器数量的不同而变化。除了支持SPMD应用程序开发外,SAMBA提供的负载平衡功能在开发高效并行实现方面也起着重要作用。



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