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Message passing and shared address space parallelism on an SMP cluster


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Currently, message passing (MP) and shared address space (SAS) are the two leading parallel programming paradigms. MP has been standardized with MPI, and is the more common and mature approach; however, code development can be extremely difficult, especially for irregularly structured computations. SAS offers substantial ease of programming, but may suffer from performance limitations due to poor spatial locality and high protocol overhead. In this paper, we compare the performance of and the programming effort required for six applications under both programming models on a 32-processor PC-SMP cluster, a platform that is becoming increasingly attractive for high-end scientific computing. Our application suite consists of codes that typically do not exhibit scalable performance under shared-memory programming due to their high communication-to-computation ratios and/or complex communication patterns. Results indicate that SAS can achieve about half the parallel efficiency of MPI for most of our applications, while being competitive for the others. A hybrid MPI + SAS strategy shows only a small performance advantage over pure MPI in some cases. Finally, improved implementations of two MPI collective operations on PC-SMP clusters are presented.
机译:当前,消息传递(MP)和共享地址空间(SAS)是两个领先的并行编程范例。 MP已通过MPI进行了标准化,并且是更为常见和成熟的方法。但是,代码开发可能非常困难,尤其是对于不规则结构的计算。 SAS提供了极大的编程便利性,但是由于不良的空间局部性和较高的协议开销而可能会受到性能限制。在本文中,我们在32处理器PC-SMP集群上比较了两种编程模型下六个应用程序的性能和所需的编程工作量,该平台对于高端科学计算越来越有吸引力。我们的应用程序套件由代码组成,这些代码由于具有较高的通信与计算比率和/或复杂的通信模式,因此在共享内存编程下通常不具有可扩展的性能。结果表明,对于我们的大多数应用程序,SAS可以达到MPI并行效率的一半左右,而在其他应用程序上则具有竞争力。在某些情况下,MPI + SAS混合策略仅比纯MPI表现出很小的性能优势。最后,介绍了PC-SMP群集上两个MPI集合操作的改进实现。



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