首页> 外文期刊>Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on >A Rendezvous-Based Approach Enabling Energy-Efficient Sensory Data Collection with Mobile Sinks

A Rendezvous-Based Approach Enabling Energy-Efficient Sensory Data Collection with Mobile Sinks


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A large class of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) applications involve a set of isolated urban areas (e.g., urban parks or building blocks) covered by sensor nodes (SNs) monitoring environmental parameters. Mobile sinks (MSs) mounted upon urban vehicles with fixed trajectories (e.g., buses) provide the ideal infrastructure to effectively retrieve sensory data from such isolated WSN fields. Existing approaches involve either single-hop transfer of data from SNs that lie within the MS's range or heavy involvement of network periphery nodes in data retrieval, processing, buffering, and delivering tasks. These nodes run the risk of rapid energy exhaustion resulting in loss of network connectivity and decreased network lifetime. Our proposed protocol aims at minimizing the overall network overhead and energy expenditure associated with the multihop data retrieval process while also ensuring balanced energy consumption among SNs and prolonged network lifetime. This is achieved through building cluster structures consisted of member nodes that route their measured data to their assigned cluster head (CH). CHs perform data filtering upon raw data exploiting potential spatial-temporal data redundancy and forward the filtered information to appropriate end nodes with sufficient residual energy, located in proximity to the MS's trajectory. Simulation results confirm the effectiveness of our approach against as well as its performance gain over alternative methods.
机译:大量的无线传感器网络(WSN)应用程序涉及由监视环境参数的传感器节点(SN)覆盖的一组隔离的市区(例如,城市公园或建筑街区)。安装在具有固定轨迹(例如公共汽车)的城市车辆上的移动接收器(MS)提供了理想的基础设施,可以有效地从此类孤立的WSN字段中检索传感数据。现有方法涉及到位于MS范围内的SN的单跳数据传输,或者大量涉及网络外围节点的数据检索,处理,缓冲和传递任务。这些节点冒着能量快速耗尽的风险,从而导致网络连接丢失和网络寿命缩短。我们提出的协议旨在最大程度地减少与多跳数据检索过程相关的整体网络开销和能耗,同时还确保SN之间的能量消耗平衡并延长网络寿命。这是通过构建由成员节点组成的群集结构来实现的,这些成员节点将其测量数据路由到其分配的群集头(CH)。 CHs利用潜在的时空数据冗余对原始数据执行数据过滤,然后将过滤后的信息转发到位于MS轨迹附近,具有足够剩余能量的适当终端节点。仿真结果证实了我们的方法相对于其他方法的有效性以及性能提升。



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