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Build a Geiger Counter — Part I


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NORM — or naturally occurring radioactive material — is found almost everywhere and the average person in the CIS is exposed to about 360 millirems of radiation from natural sources each year. A millirem — or 0.001 of a rem — is a measure of radiation exposure and more than 80 percent of this exposure level comes from background radiation sources. For example, consumer products contribute 10 millirem/year, while living or working in a brick building can add another 70 millirem/year. On the extreme, a person who smokes 1.5 packs of cigarettes each day increases his or her exposure by 8,000 millirem/year. A Geiger counter produces an audible click and blinks an LED each time it detects a radioactive particle. Typically, the counter clicks 10-20 times a minute due to normal background radiation (which is less than 80 millirem/hr) and — although the device is sensitive enough to measure background radiation — it is not suitable for measuring radon gas. Radon is a colorless, tasteless gas that also comes from uranium and is found in many rocks and soil, especially soil that has been contaminated with pollution. It's natural- ly found in the air we breathe, but is harmless because it is so diluted that we don't notice it. There are radon gas detectors that use an activated charcoal filter that are easy to use and more accurate.
机译:NORM-或天然存在的放射性物质-几乎在任何地方都可以找到,独联体国家的普通人每年都暴露于来自自然资源的约360毫雷姆辐射。毫雷姆(即0.001雷姆)是辐射暴露的量度,并且该暴露水平的80%以上来自背景辐射源。例如,消费品每年贡献10百万里姆,而在砖砌建筑中生活或工作每年可以增加70千里姆。极端情况下,每天吸烟1.5包香烟的人的暴露量每年增加8000毫雷姆。盖革计数器在每次检测到放射性粒子时都会发出喀哒声,并使LED闪烁。通常,由于正常的背景辐射(小于80毫米/小时),计数器每分钟会发出10-20次喀嗒声,并且-尽管该设备足够灵敏,可以测量背景辐射-但它不适用于测量ra气。 on是一种无色无味的气体,也来自铀,存在于许多岩石和土壤中,尤其是被污染污染的土壤。它自然存在于我们呼吸的空气中,但无害,因为它被稀释到我们根本没有注意到的程度。有些ra气检测器使用活性炭过滤器,易于使用且更加精确。



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