
A concept for the Spanish light source-ALBA


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In Spring 2003, the Spanish and Catalan Governments created a public consortium for the construction, equipment, and exploitation of a third-generation synchrotron light source. The foundation was based upon a proposal presented at the end of 1997 to build a 2.5 GeV, 12 fold symmetry accelerator with a circumference of 250 m. In order to optimise the spectral characteristics of the synchrotron radiation a re-design of the light source is currently taking place. It will include several new developments that had been demonstrated feasible in third-generation light sources currently in operation: toping-up injection, storage ring and booster in a same tunnel, improvements in orbit stability, etc. In addition, the energy of the design has been upgraded to 3 GeV and a new, more performing lattice is being studied. The main candidate for the lattice, describing the linear parameters, beam dynamics, and estimation of the lifetime will also be discussed. Also the key design decisions, the project status and the schedule will be given. In order to analyse the performance of the different lattices, some general purpose IDs have been considered.
机译:2003年春季,西班牙政府和加泰罗尼亚政府建立了一个公共财团,以建设,装备和开发第三代同步加速器光源。该基金会基于1997年底提出的建造2.5 GeV,12倍对称,周长为250 m的加速器的建议。为了优化同步辐射的光谱特性,目前正在进行光源的重新设计。它将包括一些已经在当前运行的第三代光源中被证明可行的新开发成果:在同一隧道中的向上注入注入,存储环和增强器,改善轨道稳定性等。此外,设计的能量已升级到3 GeV,并且正在研究性能更高的新晶格。还将讨论晶格的主要候选物,描述线性参数,射束动力学和寿命估计。还将给出关键的设计决策,项目状态和进度表。为了分析不同晶格的性能,已经考虑了一些通用ID。



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