首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research >Recent advances in the development of semiconductor detectors for SLHC

Recent advances in the development of semiconductor detectors for SLHC


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For the luminosity upgrade of the LHC, the SLHC, the tracking systems of the LHC experiments need to be replaced and upgraded. A main concern is the extreme radiation hardness requirements, up to 1 × 10~-(16) cm~(-2). This paper describes recent results on the radiation hardening technologies developed within the CERN RD50 Collaboration for the LHC upgrade. Silicon detectors have been designed and produced on n- and p-type 4/6 in. wafers made by Float Zone, epitaxy and Czochralski technology. Their charge collection efficiency after irradiation with protons, neutron and mixed irradiation has been studied. Novel detector concepts, as 3D detectors, have been designed, produced and studied as well. Radiation induced microscopic disorder has been also investigated in Si detectors with fluences up to ~-(16) cm~(-2) and correlated with the performance degradation of irradiated detectors.KKAA%Helsinki Institute of Physics. P.O. Box 64, University of Helsinki, FI-00014. Finland;



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