首页> 外文期刊>Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research. Section A, Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment >Wave-optics modeling of the optical-transport line for passive optical stochastic cooling

Wave-optics modeling of the optical-transport line for passive optical stochastic cooling


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Optical stochastic cooling (OSC) is expected to enable fast cooling of dense particle beams. Transition from microwave to optical frequencies enables an achievement of stochastic cooling rates which are orders of magnitude higher than ones achievable with the classical microwave based stochastic cooling systems. A subsystem critical to the OSC scheme is the focusing optics used to image radiation from the upstream "pickup" undulator to the downstream "kicker" undulator. In this paper, we present simulation results using wave-optics calculation carried out with the Synchrotron Radiation Workshop (SRW). Our simulations are performed in support to a proof-of-principle experiment planned at the Integrable Optics Test Accelerator (IOTA) at Fermilab. The calculations provide an estimate of the energy kick received by a 100-MeV electron as it propagates in the kicker undulator and interacts with the electromagnetic pulse it radiated at an earlier time while traveling through the pickup undulator.
机译:光学随机冷却(OSC)有望使密集的粒子束快速冷却。从微波频率到光频率的转换可以实现随机冷却速率,该速率比传统的基于微波的随机冷却系统高出几个数量级。对于OSC方案至关重要的子系统是聚焦光学器件,用于对从上游“拾取”波荡器到下游“ kicker”波荡器的辐射成像。在本文中,我们介绍了使用同步辐射车间(SRW)进行的波光学计算得出的仿真结果。我们的仿真是为了支持费米实验室的可积分光学测试加速器(IOTA)计划进行的原理验证实验。这些计算提供了一个100 MeV电子在突波起伏器中传播并与它在更早的时间内通过拾取起伏器传播的电磁脉冲相互作用时所接收的能量突击的估计。



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