首页> 外文期刊>Neurocomputing >Wavelet kernel function based multiscale LSSVM for elliptic boundary value problems

Wavelet kernel function based multiscale LSSVM for elliptic boundary value problems


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Recently, Mehrkanoon and Suykens designed a least square support vector machine (LSSVM) for learning solutions to partial differential equations in [1], where the Gaussian radial basis function is used as the kernel of the LSSVM. The purpose of the present paper is twofold: firstly, we extend the Gaussian kernel to wavelet kernel; and secondly, we propose a multiscale scheme, by noticing the multiscale nature of the wavelet kernel functions. The multiscale algorithm consists of a sequence of residual corrections to the solution of the partial differential equation, in which different scale parameters are employed to accommodate information at different scales. However, the direct computation of the multiscale problem would be difficult due to the mixing of different scales. To resolve this problem, we further introduce a multilevel algorithm, which decompose the multiscale algorithm into multiple levels: on the first level, a coarse data set and a large scale parameter are chosen and the target function is interpolated in this data set to capture the large-scale variations of the target function; next, on the second level, a smaller scale parameter is used to interpolate the residuals on a finer data set, capturing the finer details. The sum of both interpolants obviously better approximates the target function at the data sites on the finer data set. This process can be further applied to finer and finer scales till the anticipated accuracy is achieved. Note that sometimes the correction on the finer scale is necessary only at some local sites, thus an adaptive algorithm with only local corrections on finer scale is introduced. The numerical tests on some linear second order elliptic boundary value problems show the efficiency of the multilevel algorithm and the adaptive algorithm. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:最近,Mehrkanoon和Suykens设计了最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM),用于学习[1]中的偏微分方程的解,其中高斯径向基函数用作LSSVM的内核。本文的目的是双重的:首先,我们将高斯核扩展到小波核。其次,通过注意小波核函数的多尺度性质,提出了一种多尺度方案。多尺度算法由对偏微分方程解的一系列残差校正组成,其中采用了不同的尺度参数来容纳不同尺度的信息。然而,由于不同尺度的混合,直接计算多尺度问题将是困难的。为解决此问题,我们进一步引入了一种多级算法,该算法将多尺度算法分解为多个级别:在第一层,选择一个粗糙的数据集和一个大规模参数,并在该数据集中内插目标函数以捕获目标功能的大规模变化;接下来,在第二级上,使用较小的比例参数对更好的数据集内插残差,以捕获更详细的细节。两种插值的总和显然可以更好地逼近更精细数据集上数据站点上的目标函数。此过程可以进一步应用于越来越小的秤,直到达到预期的精度。请注意,有时仅在某些局部站点才需要进行更精细尺度的校正,因此引入了仅具有更精细尺度的局部校正的自适应算法。在一些线性二阶椭圆边值问题上的数值试验表明了多级算法和自适应算法的有效性。 (C)2019 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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