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A general mechanism for perceptual decision-making in the human brain


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Findings from single-cell recording studies suggest that a comparison of the outputs of different pools of selectively tuned lower-level sensory neurons may be a general mechanism by which higher-level brain regions compute perceptual decisions. For example, when monkeys must decide whether a noisy field of dots is moving upward or downward, a decision can be formed by computing the difference in responses between lower-level neurons sensitive to upward motion and those sensitive to downward motion(1-4). Here we use functional magnetic resonance imaging and a categorization task in which subjects decide whether an image presented is a face or a house to test whether a similar mechanism is also at work for more complex decisions in the human brain and, if so, where in the brain this computation might be performed. Activity within the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is greater during easy decisions than during difficult decisions, covaries with the difference signal between face- and house-selective regions in the ventral temporal cortex, and predicts behavioural performance in the categorization task. These findings show that even for complex object categories, the comparison of the outputs of different pools of selectively tuned neurons could be a general mechanism by which the human brain computes perceptual decisions.
机译:单细胞记录研究的结果表明,对选择性调节的较低级别的感觉神经元的不同集合的输出进行比较可能是较高级别的大脑区域计算知觉决策的一般机制。例如,当猴子必须确定点的嘈杂区域是向上移动还是向下移动时,可以通过计算对向上运动敏感的低级神经元与对向下运动敏感的低级神经元之间的响应差异来做出决定(1-4) 。在这里,我们使用功能磁共振成像和分类任务,其中受试者确定呈现的图像是人脸还是房屋,以测试类似的机制是否也在起作用,以进行人脑中的更复杂的决定,如果是,则在哪里大脑可能会执行此计算。容易做出决定时,左背外侧前额叶皮层内的活动要比做出困难决定时的活动要大,它与腹侧颞皮层的面部和房屋选择区域之间的差异信号协变量,并预测分类任务中的行为表现。这些发现表明,即使对于复杂的对象类别,选择性调谐神经元不同集合的输出的比较也可能是人脑计算感知决策的通用机制。



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