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Two flagellar stators and their roles in motility and virulence in Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci 6605


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The motor proteins around the flagellar basal body consist of two cytoplasmic membrane proteins, MotA and MotB, and function as a complex that acts as the stator to generate the torque that drives rotation. Genome analysis of several Pseudomonas syringae pathovars revealed that there are two sets of genes encoding motor proteins: motAB and motCD. Deduced amino acid sequences for MotA/B and MotC/D showed homologies to the H+-driven stator from Escherichia coli and Na+-driven stator from Vibrio alginolyticus, respectively. However, the swimming motility of P. syringae pv. tabaci (Pta) 6605 was inhibited by the protonophore carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone but not by the sodium stator-specific inhibitor phenamil. To identify a gene encoding the stator protein required for motility, ∆motAB, ∆motCD, and ∆motABCD mutants were generated. The ∆motCD mutant had remarkably reduced and the ∆motABCD mutant completely abolished swimming motilities, whereas the ∆motAB mutant retained some degree of these abilities. The ∆motCD and ∆motABCD mutants did not produce N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs), quorum-sensing molecules in this pathogen, and remarkably reduced the ability to cause disease in host tobacco leaves, as we previously observed in the ∆fliC mutant strain. These results strongly indicate that both stator pairs in Pta 6605 are proton-dependent and that MotCD is important for not only flagellar motility but also for production of AHLs and the ability to cause disease in host plants.
机译:鞭毛基体周围的运动蛋白由两个胞质膜蛋白MotA和MotB组成,并起着复合体的作用,该复合体充当定子以产生驱动旋转的转矩。对几种假单胞菌丁香假单胞菌的基因组分析表明,有两种编码运动蛋白的基因:motAB和motCD。推导的MotA / B和MotC / D氨基酸序列与大肠杆菌的H + 驱动的定子和溶藻弧菌的Na + 驱动的定子分别同源。然而,丁香假单胞菌的游泳运动。质子虫羰基氰化物间氯苯hydr可抑制烟粉虱(Pta)6605,但钠固定子特异性抑制剂苯那非则不会。为了鉴定编码运动所需的定子蛋白的基因,生成了ΔmotAB,ΔmotCD和ΔmotABCD突变体。 ∆motCD突变体显着减少,而∆motABCD突变体完全废除了游泳功能,而∆motAB突变体保留了一定程度的这些能力。正如我们之前在ΔfliC突变体中观察到的那样,ΔmotCD和ΔmotABCD突变体不产生这种病原体中的群体感应分子N-酰基-高丝氨酸内酯(AHL),并且显着降低了引起宿主烟草叶片致病的能力。应变。这些结果强烈表明,Pta 6605中的两个定子对均依赖于质子,并且MotCD不仅对于鞭毛运动,对于AHL的产生以及在宿主植物中引起疾病​​的能力都非常重要。



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