首页> 外文期刊>Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy >A comparative study for smelting of chromite ore, pellets, briquettes and sinter

A comparative study for smelting of chromite ore, pellets, briquettes and sinter


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Ferrochrome (>62%Cr) and charge chrome (45-52%Cr) production using the submerged arc furnace (SAF) is an established practice in India. As the majority of Cr rich Indian chromite ore are friable in nature and available in fine form, utilisation of chromite fines for production of superior quality ferrochrome is essential. For this purpose, in the present study, the smelting of chromite pellets, briquettes, sinter and lump ore has been carried out in an electric arc furnace of 50 kVA. The energy consumption, yield, Cr recovery and quality of Fe-Cr produced have been compared for different Cr bearing materials. Sinters and pellets have found to be more suitable than briquettes and poor quality lump ore in terms of energy consumption and yield.
机译:在印度,使用埋弧炉(SAF)生产铬铁(> 62%Cr)和装铬(45-52%Cr)已成为一种惯例。由于大多数富铬的印度铬铁矿矿石本质上都是易碎的且可以细粉形式获得,因此利用铬铁矿粉生产优质铬铁至关重要。为此,在本研究中,在50 kVA的电弧炉中进行了铬铁矿团块,煤球,烧结矿和块矿的冶炼。比较了不同含铬材料的能耗,产量,铬的回收率和生产的铁铬的质量。烧结矿和球团矿在能量消耗和产量方面比团块和劣质块矿更合适。



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