首页> 外文期刊>Mathematical Problems in Engineering >Optimal Pricing Strategies in a Product and Service Supply Chain with Extended Warranty Service Competition considering Retailer Fairness Concern

Optimal Pricing Strategies in a Product and Service Supply Chain with Extended Warranty Service Competition considering Retailer Fairness Concern


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This paper examines optimal pricing in a two-tier product and service supply chain consisting of a manufacturer and a retailer in the context of vertical competition in extended warranty in two cases: one considering the retailer's fairness concerns and one without considering the retailer's fairness concerns. A manufacturer-dominated product and service supply chain game-theoretic model on the Stackelberg model is developed to analyse how the level of vertical competition in extended warranty service and the intensity of a retailer's fairness concerns influence the optimal pricing of products and extended warranties for the manufacturer and retailer. This study finds the following: (i) Two parties of the supply chain employ differential pricing strategies for extended warranties when the retailer has fairness concerns. (ii) Compared to the same pricing strategies for extended warranty service when the retailer has no fairness concerns, the increase of competition intensity of vertical extended warranty service will enlarge the price difference of extended warranty service. Meanwhile, it is the intensity of fairness concerns that determines the influences of retailer's fairness concerns on the price difference of extended warranties. (iii) If no fairness concerns are raised, an increase in the level of vertical competition in extended warranty service would benefit both supply chain parties, rather than hurting their profit. If the retailer is fair-minded, its fairness utility increases when the intensity of the fairness concerns rises in a reasonable range and decreases when the intensity exceeds the reasonable range, but for the manufacturer, its profits will be damaged as long as the retailer raises fairness concerns.
机译:本文在两层产品和服务供应链中审查了由制造商和零售商组成的两层产品和服务供应链中的最佳定价在延长保修期间的垂直竞争中:一个考虑到零售商的公平性问题,而不是考虑零售商的公平性问题。制造商主导的产品和服务供应链游戏 - 理论模型在Stackelberg模型上,开发了分析延长保修服务的垂直竞争水平和零售商公平性的强度影响产品的最佳定价和延长保修制造商和零售商。本研究发现以下内容:(i)当零售商有公平担忧时,供应链的两方采用差价定价策略,延长保修。 (ii)与延长保修服务相同的定价策略相比,当零售商没有公平的担忧时,垂直延长保修服务的竞争强度的增加将扩大延长保修服务的价格差异。与此同时,它是确定零售商公平问题对延长保修价格差异的影响的公平问题。 (iii)如果没有提高公平担忧,延长保修服务的垂直竞争水平的增加将使供应链缔约方受益,而不是损害其利润。如果零售商是公平的,它的公平效用在合理范围内升高的公平担忧的强度增加并且当强度超过合理范围时,但对于制造商而言,只要零售商提升,其利润就会受到损坏公平问题。


  • 来源
    《Mathematical Problems in Engineering》 |2019年第18期|8657463.1-8657463.15|共15页
  • 作者单位

    Chongqing Univ Sch Econ & Business Adm Chongqing 400044 Peoples R China;

    Chongqing Univ Sch Econ & Business Adm Chongqing 400044 Peoples R China;

    Guizhou Univ Finance & Econ Sch Business Guiyang 550025 Guizhou Peoples R China;

    Southwest Univ Polit Sci & Law China Res Inst Enterprise Governed Law Chongqing 401120 Peoples R China;

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