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EBIC Study on Metal Contamination at Intra Grain Defects in Multicrystalline Silicon for Solar Cells


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Interactions between intra-grain defects and metal impurities in multicrystalline silicon (mc-Si) were evaluated. After metal contaminations, EBIC contrasts at > 1.5° SA-GBs were more enhanced than those at < 1.5° SA-GBs, and the order was Fe/1000 ℃ > Ni/1000 ℃ > Ni/600 ℃. These results might attribute to Fe atoms form deeper energy levels of recombination centers than Ni atoms and the gettering abilities at SA-GBs depend on the misorientation angles. Many dark spots were observed in EBIC images in the Ni/600 ℃. Since the dark spots corresponded to the etch pits, the dark spots might be dislocations decorated with Ni. The gettering abilities of SA-GBs depended on the misorientaion angles, and the recombination properties at SA-GBs and dark spots, such as small defects after metal contamination were different by annealing temperatures and the types of metal impurities.
机译:评价了晶粒内缺陷与多晶硅(mc-Si)中金属杂质之间的相互作用。经过金属污染后,> 1.5°SA-GBs的EBIC对比度比<1.5°SA-GBs的EBIC对比度增强,顺序为Fe / 1000℃> Ni / 1000℃> Ni / 600℃。这些结果可能归因于Fe原子形成的复合中心能级比Ni原子高,并且SA-GB处的吸杂能力取决于取向差角。在Ni / 600℃的EBIC图像中观察到许多暗点。由于暗点对应于蚀刻坑,因此暗点可能是由Ni装饰的位错。 SA-GBs的吸杂能力取决于错配角,SA-GBs和暗点的重组特性(如金属污染后的细小缺陷)因退火温度和金属杂质类型而异。



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