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Jobs a dead 'un


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In an error that could have cost investors millions of dollars, the Bloomberg financial newswire accidentally published a 17-page obituary of Apple CEO Steve Jobs on 27 August. It is common media practice to keep obituaries of the famous on file even when they are healthy, so that the obituary can be published at a moment's notice when the sad event occurs. Apple's stock trading on the Nasdaq plunged nearly 2 per cent recently when rumours of Jobs' ill-health surfaced after comments on his gaunt appearance at the iPhone 3G launch. Jobs had surgery for pancreatic cancer in 2004 and made a full recovery. The surgery he underwent, known as a Whipple Procedure, involved the partial removal of his pancreas and the full removal of his gall bladder. It is likely Jobs is on a special diet as a result of this procedure. However, that has not stopped speculation about what would happen to Apple should the worst happen to Jobs.
机译:彭博财经新闻通讯社8月27日无意间发布了一份长达17页的ob告,以免给投资者造成数百万美元的损失。通常的媒体做法是,即使名人的ob告保持健康,也要保留其存档,以便在发生不幸事件时可以立即发布notice告。苹果公司在纳斯达克市场的股票交易价格最近暴跌了近2%,此前有传言称乔布斯在iPhone 3G发布会上表现弱,但他的健康状况不佳。乔布斯在2004年接受了胰腺癌手术,并全面康复。他进行的手术被称为“鞭打手术”,包括部分切除胰腺和完全切除胆囊。由于此程序,乔布斯很可能饮食特别。但是,这并没有阻止人们猜测,如果乔布斯最糟糕的事情发生,苹果将会发生什么情况。



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