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Ghost In The Machine


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The mind is not a non-physical substance residing in the body, 'a ghost in a machine,' but a set of capacities and abilities belonging to the body." Gilbert Ryle, Concept of Mind (1949) First, before I go any further, I have to say the following: I am a liar. In last month's Source Hound, I promised to bring MacTech readers an investigation into Tiger Server's new extended permissions a.k.a. Access Control Lists. While I am sure that I could have "bitten into the topic" with the Source Hound's special flair, it appears that Ed Marzcak, my fellow columnist, had an ace up his sleeve, so he'll be covering Tiger Server's ACLs.
机译:头脑不是存在于身体中的非物质性物质,是“机器中的幽灵”,而是一系列属于身体的能力。”吉尔伯特·赖尔(Gilbert Ryle),心灵概念(1949)首先,在我走之前,此外,我不得不说以下几点:我是骗子。在上个月的Source Hound中,我答应让MacTech读者对Tiger Server的新扩展许可权(也称为访问控制列表)进行一次调查。 “主题”一词与Source Hound的特殊才能一起出现,我的专栏作家Ed Marzcak似乎袖手旁观,因此他将介绍Tiger Server的ACL。



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