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Comparing electronic vs print book preferences between students in the social sciences, the arts and STEM


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Print still has many advantages over electronic format in terms of how scholars will use the material (visibility of images, ease of navigation and note taking). Although there is still a large percentage of students across disciplines that prefer print, data from this study indicate that many students are willing to adapt to the e-book option. Change may occur whether it is desired or not, but most learn how to work around these changes. Just as the printing press worked as an agent of change (Eisenstein, 1980) so too will certain elements that can be found in e-books. Certain e-book features make them a more inviting option. PDF availability is key, but e-books also need to be easy to access, easy to navigate and easy to read. As researchers at the Universiti Putra Malaysia found, students are willing to use e-books provided they are easy to access and easy to use (Letchumanan and Tarmizi, 2011). If such features are lacking, or if the user perceives difficulty, the likelihood of the e-book being used is decreased.
机译:就学者如何使用材料(图像的可见度,易于导航和记录笔记)而言,印刷版仍然比电子格式具有许多优势。尽管跨学科的学生中仍然有很大比例的学生喜欢打印,但这项研究的数据表明,许多学生愿意适应电子书的选择。无论是否需要更改都会发生,但是大多数人会学习如何解决这些更改。就像印刷机是变革的推动者一样(Eisenstein,1980),在电子书中也可以找到某些元素。某些电子书功能使它们成为更吸引人的选择。 PDF的可用性是关键,但是电子书也需要易于访问,易于浏览和易于阅读。正如马来西亚普特拉大学的研究人员发现的那样,只要他们易于访问且易于使用,学生就愿意使用电子书(Letchumanan和Tarmizi,2011)。如果缺少这样的功能,或者用户感到困难,则减少使用电子书的可能性。



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