首页> 外文期刊>The Leadership quarterly >Charismatic rhetoric, integrative complexity and the US Presidency: An analysis of the State of the Union Address (SOTU) from George Washington to Barack Obama

Charismatic rhetoric, integrative complexity and the US Presidency: An analysis of the State of the Union Address (SOTU) from George Washington to Barack Obama


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This study advances Thoemmes and Conway's seminal work on integrative complexity (IC) of U.S. presidents by examining the relationship between IC and charisma in the State of the Union address. I examined a census of SOTU addresses given from George Washington to Barack Obama using Boas Shamir's self-concept based motivational charisma construct. IC and charisma were positively related for presidents in the first terms in office; however, this relation only held for presidents who eventually won reelection. Data also confirmed a positive correlation between charisma and the likelihood of reelection. I describe various trends in the data with respect to charisma and IC for time in office. Overall, findings show that using IC in leadership studies may be a worthwhile endeavor, as is measuring charisma by computer given that this measure correlated reasonably well with measures of charisma derived from other sources.
机译:这项研究通过检查国际电联在国情咨文中IC与感召力之间的关系,推进了Thoemmes和Conway关于美国总统的综合复杂性(IC)的开创性工作。我使用Boas Shamir基于自我概念的激励性魅力构造对从乔治华盛顿给巴拉克·奥巴马的SOTU地址进行了一次普查。在任职的第一任期中,IC和魅力与总统之间有着积极的联系。但是,这种关系只适用于最终赢得连任的总统。数据还证实,魅力与改选的可能性之间呈正相关。我描述了有关上班时间的个人魅力和IC数据的各种趋势。总体而言,研究结果表明,在领导力研究中使用IC可能是一项值得努力的工作,就像通过计算机测量感召力一样,因为该方法与源自其他来源的感召力方法具有合理的相关性。



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