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Contesting heritage: language, legitimacy, and schooling at a weekend Japanese-language school in the United States


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Researchers have shown that the maintenance of a minority language has positive effects on the minority students' view of self, educational attainment, and career opportunities (Cho 2000; Wright and Taylor 1995). In the research for this article, however, we found that such a focus on the effects of heritage-language education on the students is of limited usefulness in analyzing the complex processes of heritage-language education. Based on our ethnographic study at a weekend Japanese-language school in the United States, we illustrate contestations among administrators, students, and parents regarding the legitimacy of two types of Japanese heritage-language program and diverse subjectivities of heritage-language students that are causes and effects of such contestations. We suggest approaching heritage-language education not merely as an effort to enhance awareness of one's heritage or an instruction in language but also as a schooling process in which legitimacy of the knowledge and ways to achieve it are contested in the process of students and parents navigating what school offers, the students' linguistic proficiencies, their future educational prospects, and their diasporic subjectivities.
机译:研究人员表明,维护少数族裔语言对少数族裔学生的自我,受教育程度和职业机会的看法有积极影响(Cho 2000; Wright and Taylor 1995)。但是,在本文的研究中,我们发现,将重点放在传统语言教育对学生的影响上,对于分析传统语言教育的复杂过程的作用有限。根据我们在美国一家周末日语学校进行的人种学研究,我们说明了行政人员,学生和家长之间关于两种类型的日本传统语言计划的合法性以及造成传统文化的学生的各种主观性的争论以及此类竞赛的影响。我们建议进行传承语言教育,不仅是为了增强人们对传承或语言教学的认识,还应作为一种在学生和家长浏览过程中对知识的合法性和实现方式进行质疑的学校教育过程中学校提供什么,学生的语言水平,他们未来的教育前景以及他们的渗流性主观性。



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