首页> 外文期刊>The Korean journal of defense analysis >Tailored Options to Deter North Korea and WMD Threats

Tailored Options to Deter North Korea and WMD Threats


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Tensions on the Korean Peninsula and the security situation of East Asia have been worsening more than ever. Particularly, North Korea's long-range missile launch on February 7, 2016, and subsequent shutdown of the Kaesong Industrial Complex by the ROK government make the possibility of improving inter-Korean relations even more difficult. North Korea claims that the missile launch was a long-range rocket to put a remote-sensing satellite into orbit, but no country has received any signal transmitted from the satellite. The same was the case in 2012. North Korea has been giving no care to the expectations of the international community and UN sanctions, and continuously developing its nuclear and missile capabilities. Expressing its willingness to use extreme measures, the North raises security concerns not only to the ROK and its ally, the United States, but also to all regional countries. Deployment of THAAD in the ROK and UN sanctions will likely follow. Thus tensions in the region will continue for some time. Both the ROK and the United States are consistently developing tailored deterrence strategy in order to effectively deal with North Korea's nuclear and missile threat. I would like to introduce a special article that has succinctly put together the background of the issue and key points with authority. I would like to extend my gratitude to Dr. Brad Roberts for agreeing to contribute this valuable article to our journal.
机译:朝鲜半岛的紧张局势和东亚的安全局势比以往任何时候都更加恶化。特别是,朝鲜于2016年2月7日发射远程导弹,随后韩国政府关闭了开城工业园区,使得改善朝韩关系的可能性变得更加困难。朝鲜声称导弹发射是一枚远程火箭,用于将遥感卫星送入轨道,但没有一个国家收到该卫星发射的任何信号。 2012年也是如此。朝鲜一直不顾国际社会的期望和联合国的制裁,并不断发展其核和导弹能力。朝鲜表示愿意采取极端措施,不仅引起了韩国及其盟国美国的关切,也引起了所有区域国家的关切。将在韩国部署THAAD和联合国制裁。因此,该地区的紧张局势将持续一段时间。韩国和美国都在不断制定量身定制的威慑战略,以有效应对朝鲜的核和导弹威胁。我想介绍一篇特别的文章,该文章简洁地将问题的背景和关键点与权威联系在一起。我要感谢布拉德·罗伯茨博士(Brad Roberts)同意将这一宝贵文章投稿到我们的期刊上。



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