首页> 外文期刊>Journal of water resource and protection >Evolution and Prospect of Dakar Drinking Water Consumption

Evolution and Prospect of Dakar Drinking Water Consumption


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In Dakar, there has been a considerable deficit in the drinking water supply for more than a decade. The distribution is poorly controlled in this region. And yet, there is no lack of supply sources or solutions. With a drinking water deficit of 300,000 m~3/d to fill, the State of Senegal proposed two (02) options: firstly, the construction of a second Plan at Keur Momar Sarr on the Guiers Lake with a capacity of 75,000 m~3/d coupled with a third pipeline between Keur Momar Sarr and Thies (KMS3); secondly, the construction of a seawater desalination Plant with a capacity of 75,000 m~3/d. In this article, we studied the evolution of the drinking water consumption and the statistical data relating to population growth, which is the key element in the drinking water consumption evolution in Dakar. We were able to extract the equations from the trend curves that made it possible to predict a population growth. The results obtained with the equations and the curves show that the real needs for drinking water in Dakar are proportional to population growth.
机译:在达喀尔,十多年来饮用水供应严重不足。该区域的分布控制不善。然而,不乏供应来源或解决方案。塞内加尔国提出了300,000 m〜3 / d的饮用水短缺来填补两(02)个方案:首先,在Guiers湖的Keur Momar Sarr建造第二个计划,产能为75,000 m〜3 / d加上Keur Momar Sarr和Thies(KMS3)之间的第三条管道;其次,建设年产75,000 m〜3 / d的海水淡化厂。在本文中,我们研究了饮水量的演变以及与人口增长有关的统计数据,这是达喀尔饮水量演变的关键因素。我们能够从趋势曲线中提取方程,从而可以预测人口增长。通过方程和曲线获得的结果表明,达喀尔的实际饮用水需求与人口增长成正比。



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