Highl'/> Uncovering the local inelastic interactions during manufacture of ductile cast iron: How the substructure of the graphite particles can induce residual stress concentrations in the matrix
首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids >Uncovering the local inelastic interactions during manufacture of ductile cast iron: How the substructure of the graphite particles can induce residual stress concentrations in the matrix

Uncovering the local inelastic interactions during manufacture of ductile cast iron: How the substructure of the graphite particles can induce residual stress concentrations in the matrix


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HighlightsThe matrix–particle interaction during cooling is studied via a 2-scale FE model.To get thermomechanical data for the matrix an equivalent alloy is cast and tested.The predicted residual elastic strain is validated against X-ray diffraction data.The sectors forming each particle create stress concentration points in the matrix.The residual stress magnitude is comparable to the ductile cast iron yield stress.AbstractRecent X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements have revealed that plastic deformation and a residual elastic strain field can be present around the graphite particles in ductile cast iron after manufacturing, probably due to some local mismatch in thermal contraction. However, as only one component of the elastic strain tensor could be obtained from the XRD data, the shape and magnitude of the associated residual stress field have remained unknown. To compensate for this and to provide theoretical insight into this unexplored topic, a combined experimental-numerical approach is presented in this paper. First, a material equivalent to the ductile cast iron matrix is manufactured and subjected to dilatometric and high-temperature tensile tests. Subsequently, a two-scale hierarchical top-down model is devised, calibrated on the basis of the collected data and used to simulate the interaction between the graphite particles and the matrix during manufacturing of the industrial part considered in the XRD study. The model indicates that, besides the viscoplastic deformation of the matrix, the effect of the inelastic deformation of the graphite has to be considered to explain the magnitude of the XRD strain. Moreover, the model shows that the large elastic strain perturbations recorded with XRD close to the graphite–matrix interface are not artifacts due to e.g. sharp gradients in chemical composition, but correspond to residual stress concentrations induced by the conical sectors forming the internal structure of the graphite particles. In contrast to common belief, these results thus suggest that ductile cast iron parts cannot be considered, in general, as stress-free at the microstructural scale.Graphical abstractDisplay Omitted
机译: 突出显示 通过2阶有限元模型研究冷却过程中的基质与颗粒之间的相互作用。 要获得基体的热力学数据,需要对等效合金进行铸造和测试。 根据X射线衍射数据验证了预测的残余弹性应变。 形成每个粒子的扇区会在矩阵中创建应力集中点。 残余应力大小与球墨铸铁屈服应力相当。 摘要 最近的X射线衍射( X射线衍射(XRD)的测量表明,制造后的球墨铸铁中的石墨颗粒周围可能存在塑性变形和残余弹性应变场,这可能是由于热收缩的某些局部失配所致。但是,由于只能从XRD数据中获得弹性应变张量的一个分量,因此相关残余应力场的形状和大小仍然未知。为了弥补这一点并提供对这一未探讨主题的理论见解,本文提出了一种组合的实验-数值方法。首先,制造与球墨铸铁基体等效的材料,并对其进行膨胀和高温拉伸试验。随后,设计了一个两级分层的自上而下模型,在收集的数据的基础上进行了校准,并用于模拟XRD研究中所考虑的工业零件制造过程中石墨颗粒与基体之间的相互作用。该模型表明,除了基体的粘塑性变形外,还必须考虑石墨的非弹性变形的影响来解释XRD应变的大小。此外,该模型表明,XRD记录的大的弹性应变摄动接近于石墨-基体界面,这不是由于以下因素引起的假象。在化学成分上的急剧梯度,但对应于由形成石墨颗粒内部结构的圆锥形部分引起的残余应力浓度。与通常的看法相反,这些结果表明,一般而言,球墨铸铁零件在微观结构上无应力。 图形摘要 省略显示



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