首页> 外文期刊>Journal of statistical computation and simulation >Nonparametric two-sample estimation of location and scale parameters from empirical characteristic functions

Nonparametric two-sample estimation of location and scale parameters from empirical characteristic functions


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Two random variables X and Y are said to belong to the same location-scale family when Y =(D) mu + sigma X with unknown constants mu is an element of R and sigma > 0. Given iid observations X-i, i = 1, ..., n and Y-i, i = 1, ..., m satisfying this location-scale assumption, we wish to estimate mu and s with high efficiency in the absence of knowledge of the functional form of the underlying common family of distributions of X and Y. Here, 'high efficiency' means that the estimator is asymptotically unbiased and that its asymptotic variance is close to the asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihood estimator that would be used had the form of the underlying location-scale family of distributions been known. We propose in the present paper two methods for estimating these parameters based on the empirical characteristic function (ECF). The first approach considered minimizes a weighted L-2 distance between the ECFs of the X and Y data. The second approach constructs a quadratic form comparing the real and imaginary parts of the X- and Y-sample ECFs at a preselected number of points. In both approaches, the constructed distance metric is minimized to estimate mu and s. The asymptotic distributions of the estimators are found, and small sample performance is investigated via a Monte Carlo simulation study.
机译:当Y =(D)mu + sigma X且未知常数mu是R的一个元素且sigma> 0时,两个随机变量X和Y被称为属于同一位置标度族。给定iid观测值Xi,i = 1, ...,n和Yi,i = 1,...,m满足该位置比例假设,我们希望在不了解基本公共分布族的函数形式的情况下高效估计mu和s X和Y。此处,“高效率”表示估计量是渐近无偏的,并且其渐近方差接近于使用的最大似然估计量的渐近方差,该最大似然估计量的形式为基础位置尺度分布族众所周知。我们在本文中提出了两种基于经验特征函数(ECF)估计这些参数的方法。考虑的第一种方法可将X和Y数据的ECF之间的加权L-2距离最小化。第二种方法构造了一个二次形式,在预先选择的点数处比较X和Y样本ECF的实部和虚部。在两种方法中,都将构造的距离度量最小化以估计mu和s。发现估计量的渐近分布,并通过蒙特卡洛模拟研究研究小样本性能。



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