首页> 外文期刊>Journal of South American earth sciences >Seismicity of Valle Medio del Magdalena basin, Colombia

Seismicity of Valle Medio del Magdalena basin, Colombia


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An analysis of seismicity of Valle Medio del Magdalena (VMM) Basin, Colombia was done over the period between 2014 and 2017 with the aim to obtain a baseline of the seismic activity in this region. Thirteen portable broad band seismic stations were deployed during the study period and were complemented by 15 permanent broad band seismic stations. Hypocenter distribution and focal mechanism analyses were performed.Hypocenter determination was performed for 7073 earthquakes with local magnitudes between 0.1 and 5.7. Those earthquakes were located at crustal as well as subduction depths. The former were related to fault systems that evidenced seismic activity, such as the Bucaramanga fault system and the Cimitarra, Curumani and Arrugas faults. The latter delineated the shape of the subduction slab of the Caribbean plate beneath South American plate, which exhibited changes in the dip angle between 29 and 39 probably associated to deep ruptures.Inversion of focal mechanisms obtained by first motion P-wave analysis for crustal earthquakes showed that the VMM region was under a regional strike-slip stress regime.
机译:对Valle Medio del Magdalena(VMM)盆地的地震性分析,哥伦比亚在2014年至2017年间,旨在获得该地区地震活动的基线。在研究期间部署了十三个便携式宽带地震站,并辅以15个永久宽带地震站。进行了次缩细胞分布和焦化机制分析。过胞内测定的7073地震,局部幅度为0.1和5.7。那些地震位于地壳以及俯冲深度。前者与消防系统有关,证明了地震活动,例如Bucaramanga故障系统和Cimitarra,Curumani和Arugas故障。后者描绘了南美板下面的加勒比板的俯冲板的形状,其在29和39之间的倾角呈现变化可能与深裂解有关。通过对地壳地震的第一运动P波分析获得的焦点机制。据表明,VMM地区是在区域防滑压力制度下。



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