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Twelve Infallible Men: The Imāms and the Making of Shi'ism


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Matthew Pierce's book presents a study of Twelver Shī'ī biographies of the twelve imāms; the twelve inspired, divinely appointed successors to Muhammad. The author identifies these biographies as an under-used resource for the study of the early Twelver community, their portrayals of the imāms reflecting collective memories through which Shī'īs imagined their past and their present. This is not a search for the historical imāms, rather Pierce's work is a promising addition to the growing body of scholarship which examines hadīth corpora with objectives other than ascertaining their historical veracity. He undertakes to discover what makes these accounts meaningful, to document the process of memorialising the stories of the imāms as Twelver Shī'ism would come to tell them — which versions were remembered and which forgotten; how themes emerged and coalesced. This endeavour is supplied with a full apparatus of explanations, translations and appendices, rendering the book as useful to the uninitiated undergraduate as it is to the specialist.
机译:马修·皮尔斯(Matthew Pierce)的书介绍了十二圣im的十二圣地传记。穆罕默德的十二位受启发的,神圣任命的继任者。作者将这些传记确定为研究十二国初期社区的未充分利用的资源,它们对伊玛目的刻画反映了什叶派通过其回忆过去和现在的集体记忆。这不是在寻找历史烙印,而是Pierce的著作是对学术研究不断增长的有希望的补充,该研究以确定其历史准确性为目标,研究了hadīth语料库。他承诺发现使这些叙述有意义的原因,并记录纪念十二世纪什叶派教义的伊玛目故事的过程-哪些版本被记住,哪些版本被遗忘;主题如何出现和融合。这项工作配有说明,翻译和附录的完整工具,使这本书对于初学者来说对专家而言都是有用的。



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