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The Renaissance and The Ottoman World


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This richly-illustrated volume brings together studies on a variety of cross-cultural interactions that took place in the Mediterranean region during the Renaissance. The focus is primarily on Venice and the Italian states, but also ranges more widely, away from that sea. In her framing chapter, historian Claire Norton reminds us of the common Graeco-Byzantine heritage of Mediterranean societies, and surveys the body of evidence we already possess that indicates how anachronistic is the mode of enquiry that unreflexively posits separate, and opposed, Muslim and Christian worlds. She writes that a new research model is long overdue, one that enables exploration of how similar cultural, economic, political and military developments were received within a shared geopolitical space.
机译:这本插图丰富的作品汇集了文艺复兴时期在地中海地区发生的各种跨文化互动的研究。重点主要放在威尼斯和意大利各州,但范围也更广,远离大海。历史学家克莱尔·诺顿(Claire Norton)在其撰写的章节中,使我们想起了地中海社会共同的格雷科·拜占庭式遗产,并调查了我们已经拥有的大量证据,这些证据表明调查模式过分落伍是不自觉地将穆斯林和基督教徒分开并反对的观点。世界。她写道,一种新的研究模型早就该开始了,它可以探索在一个共享的地缘政治空间中如何接受相似的文化,经济,政治和军事发展。



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