首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice >Optimization of Oil-Flow Scheduling in Branched Pipeline Systems

Optimization of Oil-Flow Scheduling in Branched Pipeline Systems


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The article considers a new approach to oil transportation scheduling in oil pipeline network systems. This new approach is based on a mathematical model that solves the optimization transport problem as a system of objective functions and equality and inequality constraints. The system can be varied depending on the needs of a given pipeline system. The approach allows one to compute oil-flow distribution during a certain time period (e.g., day, week, or month) with a given time sampling (e.g., hour, day, or week) considering pipeline characteristics (e.g., flow capacity and technological regimes, among others), oil properties (e.g., mass sulfur fraction and density, among others), and capacity of tank terminals. In addition, the approach enables one to optimize oil transportation in terms of energy consumption. The possibilities of the proposed approach are shown using a real system of 10 oil pipelines, 9 branches, 4 transitional tank terminals, 3 oil suppliers, and 6 oil consumers. The result of the flow distribution calculation in a branched system, which is the schedule of cargo flows for each pipeline in a whole pipeline system with all constraints satisfied and optimized objective function during a 1-month (744 h) time period with a 1-h time sampling, is shown.
机译:本文考虑了石油管网系统中石油运输调度的新方法。这种新方法基于数​​学模型,该数学模型解决了作为目标函数以及相等和不平等约束的系统的优化运输问题。该系统可以根据给定管线系统的需求而变化。该方法允许在考虑管道特性(例如流量和技术)的情况下,在给定的时间采样(例如小时,天或周)下,在特定时间段(例如,天,周或月)内计算油流量分布。状况,油特性(例如,质量硫分率和密度等)和罐式码头的容量。此外,该方法使人们能够在能源消耗方面优化石油运输。使用由10条输油管道,9条支路,4个过渡油罐终端,3个供油站和6个耗油站组成的真实系统,显示了所建议方法的可能性。分支系统中流量分布计算的结果,即在1个月(744 h)的时间内,满足所有约束条件并优化目标函数的整个管道系统中每个管道的货物流计划。显示了时间采样。



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