首页> 外文期刊>日本家政学会誌 >19世紀イギリスにおける女性の装いと意識: スイス旅行と登山からの検討

19世紀イギリスにおける女性の装いと意識: スイス旅行と登山からの検討


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The purpose of this study is to explore women's clothes for mountaineering and outfits worn in Switzerland in the late 19 lh century. The materials I have used for conducting this research are The Queen, Punch and the London Charivari.. Mountaineering and traveling abroad changed the consciousness that woman had of clothing and of themselves. They tucked up the hem of their skirts like a fishwife when climbing mountains. They also wore them when they were not mountaineering, so they became very practical. The crinoline and corset no longer became necessary to maintain the honor of woman, who were adapting themselves to intense activity and severe environments. It was suggested that outfits that were more practical than fashionable be worn in resort areas. Women wore clothes that were appropriate for their environment. On the other hand, they were aware of the importance of appearance while traveling. Being aware of preeminence, proud British women were conscious of the clothes they wore, not only for the fashion statement they made, but also for their practicability.%19世紀後半のイギリス女性の服装にはコルセットとrnクリノリンに代表される,拘束的でスカート丈が長くボrnリュームのあるシルエットと,装飾的な要素が受容されてrnいた.それを着用する女性はヴィクトリアン?レディと謳rnわれ,控え目で,慎ましさを美徳とした.



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